2022-09-14 Membership Meeting Minutes
https://34dems.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Monthly-Meeting.png 400 300 34th Democrats 34th Democrats https://34dems.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Monthly-Meeting.pngSeptember 14, 2022 – Membership Meeting Minutes
The Hall at Fauntleroy
6:30pm Pre-meeting Program
- A 9-11 remembrance was given by Annabel Quintero, a survivor of the attack on the World Trade Center in 2001. She is the author of Step Step Jump, a book inspired by that event.
- A presentation about the advocacy group, the Northwest Progressive Institute was given by its founder Andrew Villeneuve.
7:30pm Call to Order by Chair Carla Rogers
Opening Ceremonies
- Chair Rogers thanked those who helped with organizing the meeting, our first in-person since February 2020.
- Land & First Peoples Acknowledgment – 1st Vice Chair Rachel Glass
- VIP Acknowledgements:
- Leslie Harris – discussed the tentative agreement between the Seattle School District and the Seattle Education Association.
- Joe Nguyen – chose not to speak.
- Chris Porter – will be seeking reelection to the board of the King Conservation District.
- Speak Up Survey question for September – Is there interest in attending an informational meeting about 34th Executive Board Roles for 2023/2024?
Approval of Tonight’s Agenda and Last Month’s Minutes
- Ann Martin moved, and Bunny Hatcher seconded to approve the agenda. Passed by unanimous consent.
- Ann Martin moved, and Chris Porter seconded to approve minutes from August meeting. Passed by unanimous consent.
Budget and Membership Report
- Treasurer Julie Whitaker reported on the financials since the last meeting.
- Outsized spending for August includes printing of PCO doorbelling material
- Current membership stands at 273, including 94 PCOs.
Chair’s Announcements
- Pop Up Social – September 24 at Ounces
- The October membership meeting will be on Zoom, Lisa Herbold will be speaking.
- The Executive Board meeting will be on Wednesday September 21 on Zoom.
- Adopt-A-Street work party will be on Saturday September 17th.
- The Awards Committee needs additional Volunteers.
- The Outreach Committee will have a booth at the B-Town Fiesta on Saturday September 24
- The November meeting will be in person and will feature “Cheers” to retiring Eileen Cody.
- Reorganization will take place on January 11, 2023, when officers will be elected, and committee chairs are seated.
PCO Appointment and Campaign Activities
- Preston Anderson introduces Graham Murphy who volunteers to become PCO for SEA 34-1410.
- Chris Porter moves and Michael Parker seconds to appoint Graham as PCO.
- Graham is appointed by a voice vote to his new role.
- Two Coordinated Campaign Organizers speak about campaign volunteer opportunities. Ryan O’Connor will serve as the Organizer for the 34th LD.
- Leesa Manion’s campaign manager CS Wright speaks on her behalf.
- Candidates for 34th LD Representative Emily Alvarado and Leah Griffin speak in turn.
- Doorhangers were distributed to PCOs present at the meeting.
- Chair Rogers described the September 10th canvassing trip to Covington to doorbell for Kim Schrier.
- The next trip will be on Sunday, September 25. More will be planned for October.
- A short video of the story behind Barack Obama’s campaign cry “Fired up, Ready to go!” is shown.
Highline Schools Levy
- Lois Schipper describes the levy. Tyee and Evergreen High Schools, and Pacific Middle School will be rebuilt.
- Joe Nguyen moves and Chris Porter seconds to endorse the levy.
- Joe speaks in favor.
- Membership votes to endorse unanimously by show of credentials.
Seattle Proposition 1A and 1B – Approval and Ranked Choice Voting
Troy Logan from the group Seattle Approves describes Prop 1A – Approval Voting.
Two representatives from the group FairVote Washington describes Prob 1B – Ranked Choice Voting.
The ballot measure voting procedure is explained. It will be in two parts: Question 1 is a YES or NO vote to change the Seattle voting process. Question 2 is a choice between the two voting methods. Voters may choose 1A or 1B, regardless of their vote for Question 1. If YES prevails in the Question 1 vote, the majority winner between Prop 1A or Prop 1B prevails.
- Ann Martin moves and Richard Bartlett seconds to endorse Prop 1B.
- Ann speaks for. Ted Barker Speaks against.
- Members vote on Prop 1B:
- First Ballot: YES – 11, NO – 7, NO POSITION – 5. NO POSITION is dropped.
- Second Ballot: YES – 16, NO – 6
- Prop 1B is endorsed.
- Martha Koester moves and Daniel Pinsker seconds to endorse Prop 1A.
- Martha speaks for. Chris Lampkin speaks against.
- Members vote on Prop 1A:
- YES – 2, NO – 15, NO POSITION – 7.
- No Endorsement for Prop 1A.
General Election Contributions
- The Executive Board proposes these donation amounts:
$2,000 – Leesa Manion, King County Prosecutor.
$1,000 – Steve Hobbs, Secretary of State.
$1,000 – King County Proposition 1 – Conservation Futures Levy.
$1,000 – Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon, he will share in tight legislative district races.
- Chris Porter moves, and Preston Anderson seconds to donate to Sen. Joe Nguyen, who also will put his contribution to work in more competitive LDs. To stay within the $5000 total Chris proposes this allocation:
$2,000 – Leesa Manion, King County Prosecutor
$ 750 – Steve Hobbs, Secretary of State.
$ 750 – King County Proposition 1 – Conservation Futures Levy.
$ 750 – Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon
$ 750 – Sen. Joe Nguyen
- Chris speaks for his motion.
- Membership votes to Approve unanimously via show of credentials.
- Art Chippendale moves and Daniel Pinsker seconds that we contribute $500 to Leah Griffin’s campaign.
- Art speaks for his motion
- Chris Porter speaks against
- Membership votes on Art’s motion. YES – 2, NO – 15. Motion Fails
Good of the Order
- Ann Martin – West Seattle Democratic Meeting on September 22 will feature a speaker on the recent Dodd Decision on Abortion.
- Chris Porter – Covid is still a problem. Vaccinate, mask, and test.
The meeting is adjourned at 9:35pm by Chair Rogers.