22-08-25 Executive Board Meeting Minutes

      400 300 34th Democrats

      34th Dems Board Meeting Minutes

      Thursday August 25, 2022 – Virtual meeting held via closed ZOOM

      Attendees: Carla Rogers, Nick Bonazza, Rachel Glass, Ted Barker, Bunny Hatcher, Gina Topp, Sarah Koch, Trey Lykins, Steve Butts, Roxanne Thayer, Leah Griffin, and Chris Porter.

      7:15 – Call to Order

      • Welcome & Review of Agenda and Minutes 
      • Last month’s minutes approved by unanimous consent 
      • Agenda for tonight approved by unanimous consent

      Chair’s Updates (Carla Rogers)

      • Glen Morgan is still pursuing his lawsuit and we continue to incur legal expenses. The 34th is collaborating with three other organizations who have already had their cases heard. We will be in court on September 23.
      • We will provide information to members about a march and rally on September 24 led by Citizens for the Universal Abolition of Nuclear Weapons, however we will not be formally aligning with the group.
      • Volunteers are needed or a PCO packet collating party, either September 9th or 12th. Help will also be needed to deliver the packets.
      • Volunteers are also needed to form an Awards Committee. Gifts from Avalon Glass will again be given to honorees.
      • Board members are to decide upon their roles for the new term starting in January 2023. If they are not resuming their current position, they are asked to help find their successors. Carla stated that she will not seek to return as Chair.

      Committee Reports

      Outreach Committee (Steve Butts)

      • 3 more events this summer; will provide Google sign-up sheets.
        • Seattle Folklorico Festival – Aug. 27
        • Adopt-A-Street clean up party – Sept. 11
        • B-Town Fiesta – Sept. 24

      PCO Committee (Nick Bonazza)

      • Preston Anderson and Soleil Lewis were making contacts in South Park and seeking PCOs. Soleil is also working on securing apartment building captains.
      • A GOTV rally will be part of the September in-person meeting, and canvass packets will be distributed.
      • Kim Schrier canvass events will take place on September 10 and 25, 11:30 to 3:30. Members will meet at Arbor Heights Elementary and carpool to Covington.

      Endorsements and Resolutions (Bunny Hatcher)

      • Reviewed the Climate Emergency resolution submitted by Katherine Woolverton. The resolution was discussed, then approved by the board by a voice vote for referral to membership with a Do Pass recommendation.

      Fundraising and Events (Gina Topp)

      • The November meeting will include a toast to Eileen Cody and member Achievement Awards will be given.
      • Awards planning meeting will be October 3rd at 6pm.

      Programs (Rachel Glass)

      • September meeting will include a presentation by Andrew Villeneuve, founder of the Northwest Progressive Institute, and September 11 survivor and author of a book on that experience, Annabel Quintero, will also speak.
      • October meeting will feature Seattle Councilperson Lisa Herbold.

      State Party (Chris Porter)

      • The quarterly State Party meeting will be held September 17 and 18, in-person only.

      King County Democrats (Ted Barker)

      • The KCDCC followed our lead for endorsements for State Representative positions.
      • The August meeting will be on the 30th.
      • Plans are underway for a BBQ.
      • PCO filings in May were down from the previous term.

      Membership (Trey Lykins)

      • Seeking information and assistance for the September in-person meeting, particularly regarding name tags and audio support.

      Final Months of Term Plan (Carla Rogers)

      • October 21 Pop Up Social will be at Beer Star in White Center
      • Board meeting for September will be on the 21st. Carla will be out of town but will lead the meeting from her hotel room.
      • Board meeting on October 19 may be in person.
      • November 9th general meeting will feature a pre-session Q and A with our representatives. 
      • November board meeting may be an open house, interested people will be invited to attend to learn about the roles.
      • A service project is planned for December, details to be determined.
      • End of PCO and board terms is November 30. There will be no December meeting.
      • Reorganization will take place January 11, 2023.

      Candidate/initiative contributions were discussed. Gina Topp moved, and Chris Porter seconded, then it was approved by the board with a show of hands that we give out the following amounts:

      • $2,000 to Leesa Manion for King County Prosecutor
      • $1,000 to Steve Hobbs for Secretary of State.
      • $1,000 to the KC Proposition 1 – Conservation Futures Levy.
      • $1,000 to Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon (who passes funds to critical legislative races in other districts).

      Good of the Order

      • Chris Porter is running for re-election to the King Conservation District Board of Supervisors in 2023.
      • Gina Topp and Roxanne Thayer thanked Carla for her leadership the past 2 years.
      • Ted Barker mentioned the We Heart West Seattle event and will post information in Slack.

      Meeting adjourned by Carla Rogers at approximately 9 pm.