34th District Democrats Board Meeting Minutes
September 21, 2022 – Virtual meeting held via closed ZOOM
7:20 pm – Call to Order by Chair Carla Rogers
x | Carla Rogers | x | Julie Whitaker | Sarah Koch | |
Aaron Garcia Virgen | Karen Richter | Soleil Lewis | |||
x | Gina Topp | Leah Griffin | x | Steven Butts | |
x | Bunny Hatcher | x | Nick Bonazza | x | Ted Barker |
x | Chris Porter | x | Rachel Glass | x | Trey Lykins |
x | Sara Smith | Roxanne Thayer |
Welcome & Introductions & Reminder of Social Contract
Review of Agenda and Minutes
- Last month’s minutes approved by unanimous consent
- Agenda for tonight approved by unanimous consent
Chair’s Report
- Update on lawsuit
- First in-person meeting last month, attendance was a little low, perhaps continue with Zoom. Cost and labor seem out of balance with attendance. Perhaps in-person meetings should be quarterly.
- October Meetings via Zoom
- November 16 in person at Carla’s house?
- Board members should work recruit their replacements, present a role description at October meeting
- “Stay Housed, Stay Healthy” letter going to Burien City Council has requested 34th Dem sign-on; Rachel Glass moved that we sign on to the letter as the Executive Board, Steve Butts seconded to sign on, 7 yeses and 10 attending so a quorum of the board approved the request.
End of Year Tasks
- Need volunteers to organize the Holiday Service Project, may choose 180 this year, contact Carla or Rachel to assist. The project is in lieu of a December meeting.
- Planning for Reorganization, hosted by King County
- Must continue through the end of the year:
- Financial Tracking
- Membership drive; all memberships expire (except PCOs) at the end of the year and everyone must re-submit their membership
- New forms on website, please promotion and communicate
- Planning meeting on October 3rd for November in-person meeting and a toast to Eileen Cody
- November 9 meeting will be focused on Caucus and Awards
Initiative Donations Recommendation
- General support for initiative 1B, for Highline School. Chris Porter moved to donate $750 toward the initiative, Ted Barker seconded, and unanimous vote to affirm the recommendation to the membership.
Final Outreach Event
- One outreach item remains, Steve has 2 volunteers and the 33rd will be there as well.
- B-Town Fiesta – Saturday, September 24, 10am-6pm – Burien Town Center Park
PCO Activities
- Sign up for Schrier Field Trip https://www.mobilize.us/schrierforcongress/event/474468/?emci=8f20602c-5236-ed11-ae83-281878b83d8a&emdi=aae6df9e-a537-ed11-ae83-281878b83d8a&ceid=23339162
- PCOs need to cover their precincts
Committee Reports
- State Committee – First in-person State Party meeting was held in September with a high number of proxies in part due to Covid. Party is considering the future of in-person meetings.
- King County Dems – Bunny Hatcher and Ted Barker reported on endorsement by King County Dems, four resolutions, one for reinstating child tax credit, one for saving our democracy, one for Covid, and one for Preserve our Futures/parks levy.
- Endorsements & Resolutions – discussion postponed due to Jan 6th investigation
- Programs – planning a panel on public safety
- PLAC – Carla is working on a Q&A with legislators, finding volunteers who are comfortable asking the questions
- Equity & Social Justice – Soleil is not present
- Fundraising Events – Gina Topp working on November meeting and toast to Eileen Cody, wants help on Holiday Party (planning meeting on Oct 3rd at 6pm). Event will be at the Hall with a champagne toast, cash bar, bring a potluck side dish to share
- Membership – Trey Lykins reports working with membership is mostly preparing for next year, November and early December tasks
- Communications – Carla working on additional Eileen Cody materials to encourage turn-out in the November meeting, requested everyone to attend and encourage attendance in November.
- Awards Committee – Chris Porter: committee is forming and will give out awards in the last meeting in November 9th meeting. Bunny, Preston, and Julie on the committee, Chris will check and confirm the form is good so Carla can put it out in email. Need nominations by the 30th for judging.
- Caucus & Elections, Young Dems – positions are OPEN, so no reports