WSDCC Meeting Notes

2024 Convention NN

2024 Convention Overview

300 300 34th Democrats

135 people will represent
Washington State at the 2024
Democratic National Convention.

You could be one of them.


During the January meeting of the State Party, details for this year’s convention were shared. You may review the full explanation of the delegate process on the state website. The website includes key dates and a video from State Party Chair Shasti Conrad.

If you are interested in running for 34th delegate, pre-register here. Filing deadline is March 31. Our delegate caucus will be held on April 6th, virtually.



2023-09-13 Membership Meeting Minutes

150 150 34th Democrats

34th Democrats Membership Meeting Minutes, September 13, 2023 – Held via closed Zoom

Pre-Meeting Program

A presentation about the youth non-profit organization “Free 2 Luv” was given by Araya Sandis, a representative from the group and a resident in the 34th LD.

Free 2 Luv is a national organization serving approximately 20,000 under-resourced youth. They partner with 250 other organizations across the country. They use techniques such as Art-based therapy to help kids cope with mental health problems which can arise as they come to grips with such issues as gender identity, isolation, and other problems youth may encounter as they mature.

6:53 PM – Call to order by Chair Graham Murphy

Chair’s Opening Remarks and Announcements 

  • Graham gave a rundown of the events over the past summer: The candidate forum, the July fundraiser, the Parades we attended, and other events such as the picnic the past weekend, and he called out individuals to thank them for their efforts in organizing those events.
  • The Chair also noted a few upcoming events:
    • The Fiestas Patrias parade in South Park on September 16.
    • The Pop-Up Social with the 33rd Democrats at Elliott Bay Brewery in Burien on September 29th.
  • In advance of canvassing for the General Election Chair Murphy directed PCOs to a survey that asked whether they would need materials to use for doorbelling.
  • The October 11th meeting is to be in person at a location to be determined. There will be an option to attend online, with limited input ability.
  • Graham expressed pleasure with how our endorsement process was conducted and with our diverse slate of endorsees.
  • A review of our Bylaws will be undertaken. Suggestions for changes are to be submitted to Bylaws and Rules Committee Chair Jordan Crawley, who will present them for approval at a meeting sometime in the first quarter of 2024.

Opening Ceremonies

  • The meeting agenda was presented. A motion to approve was made by Ann Martin. The agenda was approved without objection.
  • The minutes from the August meeting were also presented. Ann Martin moved to approve. The minutes were approved without objection.
  • Treasurer Julie Whitaker gave the financial reports for August.
    • There was $825 remaining in the budget for candidate contributions.
    • As of September 13th, we had 329 members including those who are also PCOs.
  • KCDCC Committee Alternate Preston Anderson gave the Land Acknowledgement. He also suggested that we could further show support for Indigenous peoples in our area by giving a donation to the Seattle Urban Native Nonprofits organization:

Update on Homeless Encampments in Burien

Burien City Councilperson Cydney Moore gave an update on the homeless encampment situation in Burien. She urged members to contact council members with comments regarding this issue, and to attend the upcoming council meeting. People may attend in person or online. They will have the ability to comment at the proceeding either way.

Upcoming Canvassing Events for the General Election  – Carla Rogers

  • Saturday October 7th at 10 AM – In Burien at the Burien Press Coffee Shop
  • October 21 at 10 AM – In West Seattle at C&P Coffee
  • Other canvassing opportunities are happening in the 34th. Contact Carla to participate.

Committee Chair Resignation

Chair Murphy announced that Dorothy Gesick has stepped down from chairing the Precinct Leadership Committee and thanked her for her efforts.

Endorsement for Seattle School Board Director, District 1. 

A 60% majority was required for endorsement. Although Director District 1 is not located in the 34th LD, the school board races will be city-wide in the November Election following district-only contests in the August Primary.

  • Carla Rogers nominated Debbie Carlsen; Roxanne Thayer seconded.
  • Bunny Hatcher moved to endorse Liza Rankin; Julie Whitaker seconded. 
  • Carla spoke in favor of Carlsen, and ceded time to the candidate.
  • Bunny Hatcher spoke in favor of Rankin, who was unable to attend.
    • Heather Barker rose to speak against Rankin.
    • Julie Whitaker speaks for Rankin.
  • Debbie Carlsen is endorsed with 70% of those voting via Zoom poll ballot.

Port of Seattle Update

Commissioner Ryan Calkins gave a review of activities at both the waterfront port and at the SeaTac Airport. He answered questions following his report.

A resolution: In Support of Ranked Choice Voting in Presidential Primaries.

The resolution was submitted by Ann Martin. It was forwarded to the body after debate by the Executive Board for consideration without a recommendation. A 50% majority was required for adoption.

  • Bunny Hatcher summarized the resolution.
  • Ann moves to adopt; Stephen Lamphear seconded.
    • Ann spoke in favor.
    • Ted Barker spoke against.
    • Dorothy Gesick spoke in favor.
    • Chris Porter spoke against.
  • The resolution was adopted by 61.9% via a Zoom Poll Ballot.

Campaign Contributions.

There was $825 remaining in the contribution budget from the August round of campaign donations. The Executive Board recommended that $500 go to Highline School Board Candidate Carlos Ruiz, and $325 to go to Seattle Prop. 1 – “Yes for Homes” Housing Levy Renewal.

  • Chris Porter moved to approve; Roxanne Thayer seconded.
  • Chris spoke in favor of his motion.
  • The contributions are approved via a voice vote.

Appointment for Chair of the Young Democrats Committee.

  • Hannah Cameron nominated Rebecca Rego; Ann Martin seconded.
  • Rebecca introduced herself.
  • Rebecca was appointed via voice vote.

Good of the Order.

  • Ann Martin thanked everyone who rose to express their opinions on Ranked Choice Voting.
  • Ted Barker informed us that the West Seattle Food Bank is holding its “Taste of West Seattle” fundraiser after a 4-year hiatus. It was to be on September 28th at the Hall at Fauntleroy.
  • Araya Sandis from Free 2 Luv thanked us for having her at the meeting and for the discussion.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM.

2022 GOTV Kick Off

2022 Primary Season Begins

400 300 34th Democrats

It’s Time! Our 2022 Primary GOTV Kick Off is July 9th!

This is our chance to say what kind of America we want to live in.

Participate. This election is a fight for democracy itself.

It’s going to take all of us to win in 2022. Are you in?

Come out to C&P Coffee (5612 California Ave SW) on July 9th between 10-1pm. We will have members of the WA Dems Coordinated Campaign, along with our 34th District endorsed candidates. Our PCOs may pick up their sample ballots and volunteers can grab a walk list to knock some doors.

Ballots drop on Wednesday, July 13th for the August 2 Primary.


22-05-11 Membership Meeting Minutes

150 150 34th Democrats

22-05-11 Membership Meeting Minutes

Held virtually via Zoom

6:30pm Pre-Meeting Program: Post Legislative Session Wrap-up

  • Senator Joe Nguyen and Representative Joe Fitzgibbon spoke and answered questions.

7:15 pm – Call to Order by Carla Rogers, Chair

Land and People Acknowledgement – Rachel Glass, First Vice Chair

Approval of Meeting Agenda

  • Moved for approval by Chris Porter, seconded by Ann Martin. Approved by unanimous consent.

Minutes from the April Membership Meeting

  • Moved for Approval by Sarah Koch, Seconded by Ann Martin. Approved by unanimous consent.

Budget and Membership Report

  • Treasurer Julie Whitaker reported on the budget. Income of $1,932.87 was reported, due primarily to July Fundraiser advance ticket sales. Month End Balance is $30,444.71.
  • The end of the fiscal year was April 30, 2022.
  • There are currently 138 paid members, and 101 PCOs post-redistricting.
  • Carla noted that to be able to vote at the June 8th endorsement meeting, new members must sign up by the end of this meeting, and that 2021 members must renew no later than 6pm on June 7, 2022.

July 14 Fundraiser 

  • Rachel Glass provided information about the “Paint the Night Blue” July 14th fundraiser. There will be alcoholic and non-alcoholic signature “Blue” drinks. There will be a raffle and a “raise the paddle” donation event along with a short program and other activities. Attendees are encouraged to wear blue apparel.


  • Carla Rogers gave State Convention updates:
  • The 34th delegation will consist of 44 people, including elected and automatic delegates.
  • 5 resolutions have been submitted by members; 2 will be sent forward.
  • 39 platform amendments have been presented to the state.
  • She thanked those who volunteered to serve on convention committees: Ann Martin, Rules; Bunny Hatcher, Platform; and Zach Ricketts, Credentials.
  • Pop Up Social May 20, 2022
    • At The Georgetown Liquor Company, 5:30 to 8 pm.
    • KC Executive Dow Constantine will be attending.
  • 34th District State Representative Candidate Forum will be held jointly with the West Seattle Democratic Women.
    • Ann Martin, Chris Porter, Jordan Crawley, and Ted Barker are assisting.
  • Help is needed during the June 8th endorsement meeting. Contact Chair Rogers to volunteer.
  • May board meeting will be Wednesday the 18th.
  • There will be no July meeting.

Candidate Spotlight

  • Andrea Jarmon, running for King County District Court, SW Division, Position 2
  • Democratic Candidates for 34th Legislative District Representative, Position 1
    • Emily Alvarado
    • Leah Griffin

Precinct Committee Officer Filing Week

  • PCO Committee Chair Nick Bonazza gave the dates of May 16 – May 20 and described the 2-year term for 2023/2024. He explained the filing process with King County Elections.

Election for Male/Non-Binary KCDCC Committeeperson

  • Bunny Hatcher moved to nominate Ted Barker. Ann Martin seconded. Ted was elected by voice vote.

Resolution: To call for an independent study of cost and environmental impacts of a gondola as an alternative to light rail to serve as West Seattle’s link to the Sound Transit system.

  • Bunny Hatcher summarizes the resolution and moves for adoption. Randy Litzenberger seconds
  • Randy speaks in favor of the resolution.
  • Tamsen Spengler speaks against.
    • Tamsen moves to make an amendment to remove language stating the gondola as “34th’s favored option”. Ann Martin seconds.
    • Tamsen speaks for the amendment.
    • Katherine Woolverton speaks against.
    • Chris Porter speaks for.
    • Amendment passes via Zoom show of hands.
  • James Boyle speaks in favor of the resolution as amended.
  • David Kerlick speaks against.
  • Resolution adopted via Zoom Poll. 19 in favor, 14 opposed.

Resolution: In support of the “Keep Our Care Act”.

  • Bunny Hatcher summarizes the resolution and moves for adoption.
  • Chris Porter seconds.
  • Roxanne Thayer speaks for.
  • Resolution is passed unanimously via Zoom poll.

2022/2023 Budget

  • Treasurer Julie Whitaker summarizes the budget and moved for adoption.
  • Bunny Hatcher seconds.
  • Budget is adopted via Zoom poll

Bylaws Revisions

  • Changes include new content, to match current practices, and minor edits for clarity and format
  • Chair Rogers summarizes and reads new content
    • Art Chippendale moves an amendment, Sarah Koch seconds.
    • Amendment is passed via voice vote
  • Chris Porter moves to adopt new Bylaws as amended, Julie Whitaker seconds. Motion to adopt passed via voice vote.
  • Chris Porter moves to adopt changes to the Endorsement Rules Addendum section, Bunny Hatcher seconds. Motion is passed via voice vote.

Meeting is adjourned at 9:40 pm.


34th Dems Platform

400 300 34th Democrats

Our Platform & Legislative Action platform Committee in partnership with our Membership Policy Caucuses, began the platform process after our reorganization in January.  The Board recommended that the membership adopt this platform. At the July membership meeting (July 14, 2021), members made revisions and eventually approved the 34th Dems 2021 Platform.

This process has done a lot of good for our organization. Not only are we taking steps toward formally establishing a tangible identity for our organization, but we’ve also begun forging strong, meaningful, cooperative partnerships with other community-based organizations, other Party organizations, and our region’s Tribes.

This platform will be reviewed at minimum bi-annually. Any member or caucus may suggests revisions on the platform, as situations arise. Please send comments or suggestions to

Executive Board Meeting

4-21-21 Executive Board Meeting Minutes

400 300 34th Democrats

Executive Board Meeting Minutes

April 21, 2021 – Virtual meeting held via closed ZOOM

7:00pm – Call to Order by Chair Carla Rogers 

Attendees: Carla Rogers, Rachel Glass, Sara Smith, Steven Butts, Jeff Sbaih, Colleen Hinton, Karen Richter, Gina Topp, Bunny Hatcher, Jordan Crawley, Julie Whitaker, Estey Chen, Trey Lykins, Leah Griffin, Norman Sigler, Richard O’Neill, Nick Bonazza, Chris Porter 

Call to Order

  • Welcome & Reminder of our social contract
  • Review of Agenda and Minutes 
      • Retreat Minutes from March 6
      • March 17 Board Meeting 
      • Both accepted with no changes
  • Review of April Membership Meeting
      • Starting in May, we will have a new registration process via Zoom which will take the manual process out. Users will get an immediate confirmation of their registration, and the link for Zoom.
  • Organizational Goals 
      • Discussed new goals for 34th and reviewed the Google doc
  • Committee Spotlights 
      • Platform and Legislative Committee – Jordan Crawley provided an update about the MPC process of building the Platform; Jordan is also working with tribal leaders to include their plank of the platform.
      • Upcoming Programming  – Rachel Glass provided an update, on the deep and thoughtful reflective work on becoming diverse,  understanding racism, listening and outreach, designed to change the way our organization looks and works; also looking at redistricting and redlining since redlining and gun violence intersect strongly; also looking at setting up a marketplace to highlight BIPOC businesses in the 34th
      • Resolution & Endorsements Committee – 
        • New process step to ensure resolutions go to the correct committee first to get their feedback, prior to the committee reviewing.
        • Platforms and resolutions should be well aligned, and if they are not, note that during the resolution discussion  
      • Green New Deal Committee – Karen Richter provided an update regarding the  5 point plan to move US to a green economy moved forward by AOC; WA state formed a coalition to support green new deal legislation made up of youth groups, progressive faith based, and political orgs, amongst others, to support those.  Website now up and running. Climate town hall this weekend. 
  • Resolution for Consideration
    • Voting Practice
      • Preparation for upcoming Endorsement meeting and will also practice in upcoming members meeting.  
      • Using a Zoom poll which can vote live and download a spreadsheet to validate credentials. 
        • Users must log in to Zoom in order to vote. 
        • NGP list of members and PCOs will be pulled after 9pm the night before the Endorsement meeting
        • Ballots are in Zoom window
        • No more links and separate windows/tabs during the meeting
        • Ballot data and NGP data will be combined for credentialing
        • Second and third ballots will be pre-prepared and edited during the meeting as necessary
        • Tally committee and candidate reps will be put into Breakout rooms and will use a shared screen method for validation
  • Endorsements Slate 
      • Resolutions & Endorsements Committee Role: brief discussion of committee role in Endorsement process.
  • Planning Committees
      • Forums Planning Committee – interested in being involved? Planning meeting April 27 
      • Fundraising & Events Planning Committee – interested in being involved?  Planning meeting May 4
  • Good of the Order (GOTO) & Announcements 
    • Jeff Sbaih found an organization to go into micro communities to deliver vaccines this Sunday at High Point, contact him through Slack if you have any interest. 
    • Bunny mentioned Vashon has extra vaccines available
    • Colleen mentioned John White is running and wondered if anyone knew him – he is a developer
    • Colleen mentioned that tomorrow is Earth Day and the Puyallup tribe is holding outdoor work parties to clean up green space on tribal land for Earth day 10 till noon, here is the sign up:
    •  has work parties for Earth Day as well. 
    • Town Hall (Jayapal, Nguyen, Cody, Fitzgibbon) – May 2, 1-2:30pm; Submit Questions 
    • Candidate Forums – May 22, 25 and June 5
    • Endorsement Meeting – June 9
    • Committee Chairs: Committee Reports are due the Saturday before our Board meeting
    • Sarah Koch will be appointed as the new Bylaws & Rules Chair, to be confirmed in May.
    • CER – State Party Initiative: Contest Every Race – goal is to get a democrat for every race in the state, like Vashon Parks & Rec, etc. , there are plenty of races in the state that need good candidates. 
    • Sharing our Member/PCO List with candidates; a Mayoral candidate requested access to our lists but we only do that for our endorsed candidates
    • Endorsements slate will be presented in May meeting, will only endorse candidates that complete a questionnaire. 

8:50 – Adjourned by Chair Carla Rogers 


Letter in Support of the Proposed Code of Conduct

150 150 34th Democrats

Proposed Code of Conduct

I am in full support of the new code of conduct and appreciate the work of the executive board in taking this necessary step to ensure all members are welcome and have full access to participate.  If we are an organization that is truly “dedicated to maintaining a culture of respect, inclusion, and equity” then we must do more than write words on paper. A well-thought out and effective code of conduct, one that is applied objectively with clear mechanisms in place to enforce our values, brings meaning to these words and backs up our commitment to inclusivity. It demonstrates that the 34th Dems is an organization that is intolerant of inflicting harm, despite whatever good reason a person may think they have to do so. If we want to have a representational democracy, we must take active measures to ensure that all people are welcome and that means assuring people feel safe, respected and valued. The statement against the code of conduct argues that, should it pass, it would force the ideals of respect and dignity upon our membership. Why as a group would we not want to unify behind these basic ideals of human decency?

The argument against the code of conduct lists out three main concerns should it be passed by the membership. Each is addressed below.

1.      The code of conduct will waste a bunch of “precious” time

The opposition uses the code of conduct complaint filed in 2018 against the former King County Chair, Bailey Stober as an example of how resolving these issues is a big waste of our time. What is not mentioned is that Stober was accused of harassing his employee, creating a hostile work environment and committing financial improprieties. Donations were withheld and work stalled because it took three independent investigations, several district resolutions calling on his resignation or a vote on his resignation (including the 34th), a letter from our State Chair and an open letter signed by over 200 democratic members and elected officials calling for his resignation, and an 11 hour trial with dozens of witnesses and hundreds of pages of documentation before he was found guilty on most charges and finally stepped down.  People resigned over the frustration and disappointment the allegations demanded that level of proof and public outcry before they were taken seriously. It seems for some, they are still not taken seriously. They left because the Democratic ideals of worker’s rights and women’s rights did not appear to be upheld or respected, not because it took up too much of their time.

The two other examples given of how the code of conduct is an unworthy use of our time, involved members of the 34th– one regarding members conduct in a meeting and the other members conduct on social media. Here are my questions: What happens when a new member walks in and sees this aggressive hostile behavior? With the many ways a person could volunteer their time, what’s the chance of them returning to our organization?  And how does this behavior displayed on social media read to people outside of the 34th? Will we really be respected if we are an organization that “speaks our truth” by engaging publicly in hostile and divisive behaviors to settle conflicts?  The opposition argues for more, not less of this conduct as it is believed this allows people the freedom to speak their truth. That’s not an organization I’d be proud to be in. I argue that ensuring worker’s rights and women’s rights, taking code of conduct complaints seriously and handling them judiciously, and making sure all people feel safe and welcome is a very good use of our time, maybe even the best use of our time.  

 2.      The code of conduct will stifle free expression

Yes, we are all ‘free’ to “speak our truth”, but with this freedom comes the responsibility each of us has for the impact we have on others.   If a member cannot refrain from using defamatory language, demonstrating intolerance or engaging in inappropriate physical contact to express their opinion then there is a fundamental flaw in their argument. The code of conduct states it is on the speaker to find a way to respectively get their point across, not on us to “get over it”.  We are held to these same standards of behavior in our places of employment, our schools, our houses of worship, and our community centers, why should the place where we exercise our civic duties and engage in activism be any different?There is a bigger point to be made about the opposition’s protection of free expression. Some of us are freer than others. The opposition in a “that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” argument, attests to the value of getting hurt as a motivator to “stand your ground”. Not all of us feel safe enough to stand our ground. Our ability to stand our ground depends on how much privilege we have in the world.  I assume not many people could, or would even try, to intimidate an over 6-foot-tall white male. On the other hand, for women, people of color, and members of the LBGTQ community, harassment and intimidation can be a daily occurrence. For them, the idea of safety is a more tangible concern than it is a desire to feel warm and fuzzy. There are consequences for standing their ground. When we think about the values of our organization and how to best live up to them, we must look from positions of less privilege then we hold. Rather than focus solely on the most “passionate” in our group who may leave because they are now required to filter their thoughts, we need to think about how many voices are silenced in service to maintaining the loudest ones. 

3.      The code of conduct will be weaponized to remove members

This fear has no basis in reality. Attempted coups and political takedowns probably do happen even in small local politics. However, in reality, it is more likely that a complaint will be filed for a valid reason than it would be used as a subversive strategy. Concern that the code of conduct will provide a tool for people to lie about their injuries to gain some nefarious benefit is not backed by facts.  The facts clearly show false claims to be rare. The code of conduct complaint was filed against the King County chair because he was guilty of harassing his employee and for no other reason.
Addressing the final paragraphs of the statement against the code of conduct:

The opponent suggests that serious misconduct should be handled by either the cops or the courts. Not only does an act of misconduct not need to be ‘serious’ (whatever that means) to cause harm, code of conduct complaints rarely rise to this level of criminality.

The argument against also suggests that a code of conduct is unnecessary due to member’s presumed ability to get along following conflict, proving that people can “get over it”.  When there isn’t a strong code of conduct in place there is often no recourse, nowhere to go to, no one to ask for help, no one to believe you. Without the ability to confront the behavior directly, a person has few options. They either have to leave or find a way to stay and “get over it” by denying it, forgetting it, diminishing it, invalidating it, or taking the blame. A code of conduct gives members who have experienced disrespectful, intimidating or harassing behavior, the option to stay in the organization while preserving the dignity of their own experience. Then, and only then, can they truly move past it.  

The code of conduct represents an organizational change and a larger societal one as well. Change is hard and some people are going to have to take more time to consider their words, time they didn’t have to spend before. But I assure you this will benefit everyone. Voting for the code of conduct is the right thing to do and now is the right time.

Treina Aronson

Letter In Opposition of the Proposed Code of Conduct

400 300 34th Democrats

Proposed Code of Conduct

At the February meeting, this organization will be asked to approve a Code of Conduct (Code), which describes how members are expected to behave towards each other and describes a mechanism to punish members who violate these prescribed norms. I intend to speak against this Code but will not be able to present my concerns in the allotted 2-minute speech. I beg your indulgence.

I believe whole heartedly that we should all treat each other with respect and dignity. I try to live my life with that as a guiding principal. That said I don’t want to force my ideals upon others by codifying it.

Most of us are here because we are passionate about an issue, or many issues. Being passionate about issues, we hold strong opinions and we don’t always agree. We often debate how to achieve our goals and who should be elected. Several of our most active and passionate members use social media and our meetings to speak “their truth”. Sometimes that truth is hard to hear or counter to the beliefs of others. I think that is OK, even good. If someone says something that makes you angry or hurt, good. Use that to motivate you to do more and express your own opinions.

I have three primary concerns with this Code. First, if a grievance is filed, the board will use a bunch of it’s precious and limited time to investigate and potentially try the complaint. Second, it will stifle the free expression of thoughts and ideas, and third, it could be weaponized to remove some of our most passionate and active members. 

Board time: I was elected as one of our delegates to King County Democrats in January of 2017. In January of 2018, they adopted a similar Code of Conduct. Three days later, a grievance was filed against the Chair, and we spent until August resolving the issue. That board spent almost all of every meeting in between, often running late, litigating the complaint. In that period, the only substantial work done towards their mission, was getting the candidates questionnaire assembled so that endorsements could be made. There was tremendous turnover on the board including 3 of 4 vice chairs, the treasurer and eventually the Chair. The January, 2018 meeting had almost all 48 delegates in attendance. By August, barely half were attending. They raised only enough money that year to keep the lights on and distributed none to candidates. It also alienated everyone on the board from each other. 

Last year, here in the 34th, there was an incident at our endorsement meeting involving some of our most passionate members. The Board spent two meetings, one 6 hours long and one 3 hours, figuring out how to resolve the complaint. We spent about 200 volunteer hours in meetings for this instead of working to elect Democrats. There were countless other hours spent in communications and discussions. In the end we suspended 3 of our most active members until after the election in November. I suggest that our board has more useful tasks to attend to.

Stifling free speech: This year, during our City Council race, one of our members posted comments on social media that were unflattering to towards one of the candidates (both candidates are members). A grievance was filed by one of our other members citing ad homonym arguments, cyberbullying, harassment and other conducts. The board spent much of another meeting on this grievance. I had seen those posts and while the member used verbiage I would not, I saw it as a member speaking their truth. I felt it was OK and frankly, I wish more folks would speak their truths. I worry that, if the Code passes, fewer will speak, in fear of reprimand.

Weaponization: I fear the code will be used to drive some of our most active and passionate members out of the party and to discourage them from running for office. I felt it was used that way in the case of the King County Democrats Chair and I felt it was used that way in our Council race last year.

In summery. I want everyone to treat each other with respect and dignity but I don’t think this is how you do it. I also understand that our members can be passionate about an issue or a candidate. I understand how one’s passion can overcome judgement and that we are not all friends all of the time. I have also witnessed members being really upset at another member about something said or done and then seen them call the same person seeking advice a year later. I’ve done it myself. We can move on.

We already have mechanisms in the bylaws to address serious misconduct. We can censure a member; we can suspend a member and we can remove officers from the board. If there should be a serious misconduct, we can refer it to the police and/or the courts. We do not have the time, or energy to manage every member’s personal behavior. I ask that you use the Code to model your behavior but that you not codify it in the bylaws.

Finally: Politics is all about conflict and the resolution of conflict. Don’t run and hide from it. Stand your ground and speak your thoughts as best you can to defend your values. In the end, come together and move on.

Les Treall, PCO SEA 34-1498

05/23/19 KCDCC Monthly Meeting Minutes

150 150 34th Democrats

05/23/19 KCDCC Monthly Meeting Minutes

  • submitted by Max Brown KCDCC committeeman

KCDCC is hosting a “fun” – raiser involving local candidates and partner organizations – more details to come on social media channels. This event replaces the planned “fish fry” or “salmon bake” from years past. 6/23, 2- 5pm @ IAM 751 hall in South Park

Pride Plans – Tshirt design just released (50 yr anniversary of Stonewall)

  • Booth Saturday, 6/29, on Broadway from 11a – 6p
  • Parade Sunday, 6/30, 8:30a – RSVPs would be appreciated – need to track logistics re: water, snacks etc
    • Currently, no exact place in line, but if folks show up at 4th and Pike st. KCDCC rep will be present to help guide folks to location
    • Note Reps Smith, Schrier, Jayapal, DelBene will be in attendance
    • Hillary, Bob, and Dow will all be present

Endorsements, approved by the body:


Averil Rothrock, King County Superior Court Position 16

Marshall Ferguson, King County Superior Court Position 31

Aimee Sutton, King County Superior Court Position 49

Mike Ryan, King County Superior Court Position 37

Maureen McKee, King County Superior Court Position 5

Comments: All five of these judges are running unopposed and are aligned with KCDCC’s platform and values.


City Council Pos 3 – Jeremy Barksdale

City Council Pos 5 – Janice Zahn


City Council Pos 6 – Sofia Aragon


City Council Pos 2 – Kelli Curtis

City Council Pos 5 – Neal Black

City Council Pos 6 – Amy Falcone


City Council Pos 1 – Varisha Kahn

City Council Pos 5 – Vanessa Kritzer


Mayor – Marcie Maxwell

City Council Pos 7 – Kim-Khanh Van


City Council Pos 2 – Karen McKnight

City Council Pos 6 – Rituja Indapure


City Council Dist 1 – Lisa Herbold

School Board Races 

Kent School District 415 – Leslie Hamada (District 3)

Candidates who have been endorsed by Legislative Districts where the positions are solely within the jurisdiction of only one (1) Legislative District and candidates have returned KCDCC questionnaires:

11th Legislative District 

Tukwila City Council Pos 4 – Cynthia Delostrinos Johnson

Tukwila City Council Pos 6 – Kate Kruller

41st Legislative District 

Mercer Island City Council Pos 3 – Wendy Weiker

Mercer Island City Council Pos 4 – Patrick Allcorn

Mercer Island City Council Pos 5 – Craig W. Reynolds

33rd Legislative District 

Seatac City Council Pos 1 – Senayet Negusse

Seatac City Council Pos 5 – Takele Gobena

2018 WSDC Meeting Minutes

150 150 34th Democrats

Meeting called to order at 7:00 by Acting Chair Michael Taylor-Judd

7:00 Pledge of Allegiance.

7:02 Acknowledgement of VIP’s – Representative Eileen Cody, State (and endorsed) Senate Candidates Shannon Braddock and Joe Nguyen.

7:07 Minutes and Agenda (M)oved(S)econded(P)assed.

7:08 Recognition of the nominations of Rashida Tlaib and Sharice Davids, the first Muslim woman and one of the 2 two first Native American women to Congress respectively.

Need to get our PCO#s up. 2020 Caucuses are expected to be very well attended.

7:10 Treasurer’s Report –
Garden Party raised $23,000, expenses for it were $8,000
There is $15,000 in the caucus fund and $19,641.56 in the savings account.

7:12 KCDCC Report – Martha Koester reports that there is a new Treasurer.

7:13 Chris Porter expressed his thanks to the Garden Party Committee.

7:14 Recognition of Seattle City Councilmember Lisa Herbold.

7:16 – Program – Things you can do to get involved!

Help with the Outreach Committee to get people signed up to vote!

Get involved and help with other districts and campaigns.

Some organizations worthy of your consideration:

Voter Registration and Engagement:
Latino Community Fund of Washington ( – Works on growing
Latinx community involvement.

Code Blue Washington ( – Kim Ricketts reiterated that STATE LEGISLATIVE
RACE MATTER. She invited the membership to join the Code Blue Facebook Group. They are not
A fundraising operation in this state yet. They try not to favor any candidates in primaries.
Voter Registration is NOT their focus. It is more on engagement. Don’t have an iPhone? Prefer
pen and paper to tapping on a keyboard? Check out
You can help from the comfort of your own home! The Code Blue team does work with
MiniVan, the state parties and candidates.

Knock 10 (

Facing Homelessness (
Low Income Housing Institute (
Washington Low Income Housing Alliance (
Real Change (
West Side Interfaith Network ( Provides
meals and funds

Timothy Harris from Real Change spoke about the paper.

Also discussed were the Facing Homelessness Facebook Group, the Pike Place Senior Center,
Camp Second Chance, Low Income Housing Alliance’s Tiny Houses program, support for
Veterans, the America’s Promise program.

Observed that centralized services were not as efficient as de-centralized services were.

It was also pointed out that School Districts define homelessness differently than the
government does, and that tough conversations were needed about prioritizing funding.
Teams? Theaters? Or…People?

Bathrooms that are safe for all (
Assist Citizenship Seekers
Planned Parenthood (
Volunteer to help pass Initiative 1639.
Check out

8:10 New Business – Martha Koester introduced a Resolution in support of Councilmember Kohl-Welles’s Amendment to invest an additional $184 million into affordable housing for King County residents. It is a compromise on stadium funding and funds for the homeless.

A point of order was raised of the necessity of suspending the rules to consider the motion.

Moved and Seconded to vote to suspend the rules. Motion failed. Steve will publish it in the newsletter.

8:20 Recognition of newly Elected PCO Julie Whitaker from Vashon Island.

8:23 Good of the Order.

8:25 Adjourned.