2023-05-10 Membership Meeting Minutes

400 300 34th Democrats

2023-05-10 Membership Meeting Minutes

34th Democrats Membership Meeting – Held via closed Zoom

7:01 – Call to Order by Chair Graham Murphy

Chair’s opening announcements

  • Our Candidate Forum will be Saturday, June 10 at the Youngstown Community Arts Center for King County Council District 8, and Seattle City Council District 1.
  • The Endorsement Meeting will be held on June 14. New members were to have joined by the start of the May Membership meeting; 2022 members were given until June 13 to renew to participate.
  • The Summer Social and Fundraiser will be held on July 22 at C & P Coffee. Graham handed the mic to Acting Fundraising Chair Gina Topp, who directed members to buy tickets; If they did so during the meeting, they would also get free admission to the summer picnic.

Opening Ceremonies

  • A motion to approve the agenda was made by Ann Martin; seconded by Chris Porter. The agenda was approved by unanimous consent.
  • A motion to approve the minutes from the April meeting was made by Ann Martin; seconded by Chris Porter. The minutes were approved by unanimous consent.
  • 1st Vice Chair Rachel Glass gave the Land Acknowledgement. She also suggested members could further show appreciation to the Indigenous Peoples of the 34th District by giving a donation to the Chief Seattle Club https://www.chiefseattleclub.org/

VIP Acknowledgements

  • Seattle Port Commissioner Fred Felleman spoke of activities and goals of the Port of Seattle.
  • King Conservation District Board member Chris Porter rose to thank the members of the 34th for their support during his tenure. His term ended in May.
  • Carla Rogers introduced newly elected King County Prosecutor Leesa Manion, who gave updates on her first few months in office.
  • Chris Porter introduced Washington State Lands Commissioner Hilary Franz, who had officially announced her candidacy for Governor earlier in the day. She spoke of her achievements in her current position and for her goals as Governor if elected.

Legislative Debrief

  • First Vice-Chair Rachel Glass introduced our delegation to the State Legislature. Senator Joe Nguyen and Representatives Joe Fitzgibbon and Emily Alvarado were present. 
  • Rachel Glass and Second Vice-Chair Jordan Crawley presented questions that were answered by each in turn.
  •  It was noted that they would shortly return to Olympia for a Special Session to redraft expired state regulation on drug use and possession which failed to pass before adjournment.

Candidate Spotlight 

  • Candidates for Seattle Council District 1
  • Phil Tavel lives in Arbor Heights. He has served on various boards and has been a fundraiser for local non-profit organizations. He is a graduate of Camp Wellstone and ran for the D1 position in 2019. https://tavelforseattle.com/
  • Jean Iannelli Craciun is originally from Cleveland, Ohio. She moved to Seattle with her wife after spending 30 years in Alaska, involved in entrepreneurship, starting several businesses. https://www.jeanforseattlecitycouncil.com/
  • Candidate for Port Commissioner
  • Jesse Tam, a 40-year King County resident, was born and raised in Hong Kong. He is a banker by profession and has served as the former Parks Commissioner for the City of Newcastle. https://www.electjessetam.com/

Election for King County Committeeperson (Male or Non-Binary)

  • Chris Porter is nominated by Ted Barker; Karen Richter seconded.
  • Chris Speaks for himself.
  • Ted Barker speaks in favor of his motion.
  • Chris Porter is elected by 100% of the vote of PCOs present via ZOOM poll.

Good of the Order

  • Chair Murphy announced Dow Constantine’s Filing Day luncheon, which features a special price for 34th members.
  • Outreach Chair Steve Butts announced an Adopt-A-Street work party on May 13th. The 34th will also have a table at both Burien and White Center Pride Festivals on June 3rd.
  • State Committeeperson Roxanne Thayer reported that representatives from Vashon Island have been meeting with Port of Seattle Commissioners to express concern over new flight plans for SeaTac Airport traffic over the island causing noise pollution.
  • Chair Murphy announced that the next Pop-Up Social would be May 19th at Locust Cider on Alki Avenue.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:21 PM.