Membership approved with one amendment at the September 9 general membership meeting.
Resolution on the Black Lives Matter Movement
Whereas, this body acknowledges that racism is defined as the patterns of privilege, power and authority granted to one group over others based on race; and
Whereas, this body acknowledges that the United States was founded on the genocide of native people and appropriation of native land and the exploitation, dehumanization and oppression of Black people whom were descended from Africans who were kidnapped and forced into the system of chattel slavery; and
Whereas, this body acknowledges that systematic racism exists and is included in the police and institutions of governance in our country. We also acknowledge that the American police force developed in large part based on slave patrols in the South. Moreover, that anti-Black and racist practices have been embedded in the training and institutional culture of many police departments; and
Whereas, this body acknowledges that racist policies in America’s past and present involved distributing resources in a discriminatory manner, thus depriving Black, Indigenous and other Communities of Color (hereafter ‘BIPOC’) of a decent standard of living and depriving them of the ability to develop and full enjoy the promise of freedom and equality in America; and
Whereas, this body acknowledges our own political parties history of defending slavery and establishing Jim Crow laws; and
Whereas, this body acknowledges that the murder of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Giovonn Joseph-McDade and Charleena Lyles were unjustified killings of American citizens by police officers and vigilantes. These murders reflect a four-hundred-year history, that has been largely ignored or mischaracterized, of state and non-state sponsored aggression against Black people. Furthermore, this body demands justice pursuant to the standards laid out in the U.S. Constitution, and equal to what white victims receive, for each murder; and
Whereas, since 2014, millions of people have risen to demand that America acknowledges that BLACK LIVES MATTER and that policy, legal and cultural change must occur to reflect that; and
Whereas, this body acknowledges and embraces the wisdom of Rev. Doctor Martin Luther King Jr. that moderation and telling communities facing oppressive conditions that “waiting” is fundamentally unjust, and counter-productive to our values as Democrats; and
Whereas, this body acknowledges that as of the 2010 census, many majority BIPOC communities have emerged and have a diverse population from various racial and ethnic backgrounds within them;
- Fully supports the Black Lives Matter movement and stands in solidarity with the Black community against attack.
- Commit themselves to supporting, recruiting and developing candidates of color whom share our values, and reflect a deep concern for our community.
- Stands against gerrymandering which dilutes or intentionally excludes our BIPOC neighbors from being a part of our district.
- Support allocating resources and changing policies on a local, state and national level to address systemic racism and repair the damage that has been done to our communities.
Original Author: Clifford Cawthon PCO, 47th LD
LDs approved: 47th and pending in the 33rd , with 36th and 43rd with similar resolutions