34th District Democrats
Monthly Membership Meeting
The Hall at Fauntleroy
Meeting called to order at 7:02 by Chair David Ginsberg
7:03 Pledge of Allegiance.
7:04 Eileen Cody addresses the membership. Is glad to be home now that the Legislative Session is over.
7:05 Superior Court Judge Michael Diaz addresses membership. Running to retain seat.
7:07 Superior Court Judge Karen Donohue addresses membership. Running for reelection.
7:08 Seattle Municipal Court Judge Andrea Chin addresses membership. Running unopposed.
7:11 Seattle Municipal Court Judge Maureen McKee addresses membership. Running for position.
7:13 Seattle Municipal Court Judge Adam Eisenberg addresses membership. Running to retain seat.
7:15 Speaker (did not catch name) on behalf of Washington State Supreme Court Justice Steven Gonzalez.
7:18 Minutes approved.
7:20 Agenda. Marcee Stone-Vekich moved to amend agenda to consider a new resolution, Amended agenda passes.
7:23 Chairs Report – Chair David Ginsburg addressed the tragedy in Parkland, the student walkout, and March For Our Lives.
Reminded membership of the Caucus on March 24th. Purpose is to elect delegates to the State Convention in Wenatchee in June. 10:00 am, Evergreen High School Cafeteria. Same day as the March For Our Lives, there will be a photo booth at the caucus to support the March.
Treasurer’s Report – Gina Topp reports that we have $27,294.17 in the bank, with income of $1,346.02 and expenses of $1,261.15
Committee Reports –
7:26 KCDCC Report – Martha Koester and Les Treall updated the membership on the complaint vs. the Chair, Bailey Stober.
KCDCC will accept the Vice Chair’s report. Attempt was made to organize a 5 member panel.
Effort failed, could not find last two volunteers. There will be a meeting on March 19 to continue the investigation. Efforts being made to investigate leak. If matter moves to trial the jury would be every King County PCO. Martha remarked that there was no evidence presented at the meeting. Patrick Wicklund raises a point of information, Chair Stober says that he has proof nothing happened.
7:35 Health Care For All / Washington Health Security Trust presentation.
Bevin McLeod , Director explained that it is State Based Universal Health Care. Attempts have been made over the past decade to get it passed. It would be Publicly Funded and Privately Delivered. Funding may come from a tax on investment transactions. $100,000 from the General Fund will be allotted for study of this bill. The Office of the State Actuary will assist. Organization’s website is healthcareforallwa.org.
Q&A – This is NOT advocating a new tax. Would have to apply for a waiver to keep Medicare. They are working with Pramila on it. This will not happen overnight. For now they are concentrating on educating of officials and the public. They are not intending to put forth a Capital Gains Tax. It is important that this insurance coverage is NOT tied to employment. This will not take away healthcare choice. It is solely an administrative entity. It pays your private provider directly. The payer DOES NOT get involved in your care, and provider networks will go away. Acknowledged that there will be job displacement. There will be funds for retraining and the entity will STILL need workers. Single Payer saves Billions, which could be used to fund, not stifle, medical innovation. Many other states are trying to get this passed. There will be another attempt to get it passed in 2019. It was one vote shy of getting out of Senate committee. There is statewide support for Single Payer, it polls at 64% positive. The fact that hospitals are closing in rural areas is sparking interest. Canada would be our model.
There is a competing initiative that is essentially a different route to get to the same place. They have a funding source that is not in this bill.
8:23 KC Council Chair Joe McDermott recognized. Discussed efforts to put local companies at the top of hire list.
8:27 New PCOs – Joe Nguyen and Jack Edy elected. Passed unanimously.
8:30 Patrick Wicklund raises a point of Parliamentary Procedure. The proposed Resolution is Out of Order.
Chair David Ginsburg raises a Point of Personal Privilege and wants to keep any exchanges respectful.
8:35 There is a Motion to Suspend the Rules to allow a Resolution to be brought forth without proper notice.
62 voting members present. 60 are for the Motion and 2 are against. Motion Passes.
Marcie Stone-Vekich Presents a motion to circulate a petition to PCOs about the KCDCC Chair situation.
Patrick Wicklund speaks for Chair Stober, says that he has worked with him and has never seen him exhibit this type of behavior, and is in favor of an investigation. Chair Stober should “have his day in court”.
Rachel Glass read part of a letter from Tina Podlodowski to the 36th LD that agrees that Chir Stober should step aside.
Chris Porter decries a rush to judgement. Says that we cannot claim fairness if we do not hear from both sides, and that we do not have all the facts.
Moved, Seconded and Passed to extend Arguments.
The question is asked if a Non Member may speak. Parliamentarian Michael Taylor-Judd allows that a current member can cede their time to a non-member, but that this only applies to endorsements.
Les Treall speaks for the Resolution, pointing out that it is not censorial and does not lay out any charges.
Art Chippendale asked what such a meeting (the trial) would look like. Chair explained Trial as per Robert’s Rules.
No other speakers against.
Voice Vote – The Ayes have it. Not a unanimous vote, but Nays were the distinct minority.
8:53 Good of the Order
9:01 Adjourned.