March 20, 2019 Board Meeting Minutes

March 20, 2019 Board Meeting Minutes

150 150 34th Democrats

Board Meeting Minutes

Attendees: Gina, Ann, David, Max, Steve, Nick, Les, Sofia, Ben, Dawn, Jordan, Rachel, Jesse, Carla

March 20, 2019

PDF: 03-20-19 Board Meeting Minutes

7:05 Call to Order

7:06 Treasurer’s Report was presented by Ben Reilly. Estimated 150 members ytd. Draft Budget  for 2019 was shared. This was prepared by Dawn Rains and Ben Reilly. Various additions/changes were discussed. KCDCC will not be asking for a donation this year. Should set aside monies for the caucus ($7-10K). Young Dems will also not be asking for a donation. Will need to increase PCO budget to $500. Will also need a budget for the candidate ballot but we will also have income for this which should offset the cost ($2500). A new version of the budget will be posted in Slack for approval.

7:24 Sofia provided a report from the January General Meeting.

  • Diversity/Inclusion, Education and Homelessness were the top issues
  • Top Priorities for the 34th – Homelessness, Climate, Economic Justice
  • A discussion about new volunteers was had. A communication plan was agreed to – Chair’s are required to contact all volunteers.
  • Need a Welcome Guest sign in sheet at the meetings. Jesse will take on converting guests to members.
  • Need to have discussion time at each meeting.

7:47 Dow Constantine visit

  • Introductions
  • King County works in parallel with the 34th. Goal it to create a welcoming community where everyone is free to thrive.
  • Dow spoke about housing insecurity/homelessness, Best Start program, health care, transportation and environmental concerns.
  • A Q&A session resumed.
  • Dow announced he will very likely be a candidate for governor.  

8:35 General Calendar

Gina shared an activities calendar for the year. Carla will post items to the website calendar and begin posting on social media.

8:38 Legislative Action Committee

Jordan shared his vision for the LAC. He also shared his proposal for candidate forums and debates for both D1 and Burien City Council.  His suggestion is to host a forum at our regular meeting and a debate format in a separate meeting/venue approximately 2 weeks later. This will allow for an incremental opportunity to see the candidates discuss the issues. It was decided that we will proceed with the Forum + Debate (2 sessions). April 23 will be the Debate with the Forum held during our April 10 regular meeting at Fauntleroy Hall. Jordan also shared a survey he wanted to send to membership to gain input on the topics to be covered. Due to time constraints, the survey will be shared via Slack for input.  

8:49 April Program

D1 Candidate forum!

8:50 The Communications Committee report was shared by Carla. Facebook engagement, LIKED pages and interaction are all up in the past month. Communications survey will be sent one more time and then closed.

8:52 PCO Committee

Nick explained that the PCO committee met last weekend. Has been contacting past/former PCOs. March 30 PCO meeting, and March 31 in Burien. Continued engagement for the PCOs. Planning an engagement event for the summer.

8:57 Events/Fundraising Committee

Jacqui, Delancey and Gina are holding Saturday planning meetings at 10am at Cupcake Royale each week. Anyone can join! The Earth Day event and June fundraiser are their focus and plans will be announced asap.

9:03 Outreach Committee

Steve reported that the committee is solidifying calendar of events for the year.

9:07 Adjourn