34th District Democrats
Monthly Membership Meeting
The Hall at Fauntleroy
Meeting called to order at 7:00 by Chair David Ginsberg
Jose Inueguzfrom the 33rd LD sang the Star Spangled Banner.
Recognition of VIPs and Elected Officials:
Joe McDermott – Announced the addition of a quarter of a million dollars to the County’s resilience fund for immigrants and refugees, and of a levy to support affordable housing and reduce homelessness.
Approval of the Minutes – (M)oved, (Seconded) and (P)assed
Adoption of the Agenda – MSP
Chairs Report –
Sadness over the tragedy of the attack on Congress at their baseball practice.
Plea to call Representatives and Senators to vote vs. Trumpcare.
A brief explanation of the night’s format and participants.
Pramila having a phone bank for John Ossof on Saturday the 17th.
Solicitation of Garden Party Theme.
Solicitation of Fund Raising Co-chair
Plea for respect of speakers
Request for Yes or No questions from the crowd for the lightening round.
Committee Reports –
Outreach: 2 events the weekend of the 17th, one in Burien and the other in Morgan Junction.
Partnering with the 33rd in Burien.
King Co Proposition 1
Campaign Manager Jack Sorenson spoke about KC Prop 1, proposed by Dow Constantine and
Sponsored by Joe McDermott.
Boost Arts & Heritage funding, including but not limited to In-Class programs and
free field trips by about $637 million.
Free and reduced tickets to cultural events for poor and middle class students.
350 organizations would get funding for arts, science, and heritage programs.
As an example, Pacific Science Center currently serves 70,000 kids a year under
a similar program, would be able to triple this with Prop 1 funding.
COC and traditionally underserved communities would be eligible for extra funding.
Would be funded by a 0.1% Sales Tax, 1cent for every 10 dollars spent. This was the only funding option available due to restrictions from the State Legislature.
School districts would be accountable to For Culture, a 30 year old organization that will report to the King County Council. In answer to a question from the membership Jack said that any monies from baseline programs could not be swapped out because there are not any funds for them anyway.
Moved and seconded for endorsement of KC Prop 1.
Dow Constantine rose and thanked the 34th for consideration of the endorsement. Thanked Jack Sorenson for his efforts on behalf of the proposition. Remarked that it had been a bad day and encouraged everyone to stay strong.
Jason Cheung spoke for endorsing.
Michael Taylor-Judd spoke against, stated that we can’t keep raising an already regressive sales tax.
Sean Riley spoke for, observed that South End students do not get the support that North End students do.
Liz Giba-Knowles spoke against, stating that housing policy is education policy and the funds would be better spent on housing.
Vote on KC Prop 1. 70 for, 19 against.
KC Prop 1 endorsed by 34th Dems.
Mayoral Candidate Showdown! Master of Ceremonies Chris Porter
Each candidate will get 2 minutes to introduce themselves, then there will be a lightening round.
(D) indicates running as a Democrat.
1 Jason Roberts (D)
2 Michael Harris
3 Mike McGinn
4 Bob Hasegawa (D)
5 Tiniell Cato
6 James Norton
7 Cary Moon (D)
8 Jenny Durkan (D)
9 Jessyn Farrell (D)
Top 3 will move on.
8:10 Voting begins.
8:23 Results
Candidate # of votes Place
1 Jason Roberts 3 8
2 Michael Harris 2 9
3 Mike McGinn 7 5
4 Bob Hasegawa 28 2
5 Tiniell Cato 5 6
6 James Norton 4 7
7 Cary Moon 10 4
8 Jenny Durkan 33 1
9 Jessyn Farrell 24 3
Moving on to 2nd round:
1 Durkan
2 Hasegawa
3 Farrell
Question for Jessyn — How will you handle homelessness?
Answer: Complex issue that involves short and long term issues.
Short term: People need to be safe, achieved by encampments, tiny homes, and an
Increase in shelters.
Long term: Housing affordability needs to be addressed, via support for renters,
Increased density, and allowing more “mother in law”-type dwellings. Mental health issues
Factor in as well.
Question for Bob — Homeless children, or Homeless men?
Answer: Quit stacking taxes on folks. ½ of people over 55 cannot afford rent. There is not enough
housing to meet demand. This needs to be increased, and a publicly owned municipal bank
is the perfect vehicle to carry that forward.
Question for Jenny — Shall the city use police as school resource officers, or hire privately hired ones?
Answer: There is no “one size fits all” answer to the questions. Pledges to be very data driven.
75% of the time force is used by the police the person being acted upon has a mental health
or drug influence issue. Schools need resources to divert kids from the criminal justice system.
Lightening Round: 30 seconds each.
Jessyn – On a citywide income tax. How to mitigate the $40 it will cost folks? Argues the premise, agrees that the current taxation system is not good.
Bob — On how to be inclusive in Seattle. even with Republicans? Passed most legislation that that he
Introduced, and often worked across the aisle.
Jenny — What will Seattle be like in 25 years? She would like to see eclectic, diverse neighborhoods. We
Need a better Transit system to help this happen.
8:37 Voting begins.
8:43 Credentials report, 108 credentialed members present.
8:45 Results:
Hasegawa — 39 votes
Farrell — 37 votes
Durkan — 30 votes
FINAL ROUND – Last 2 candidates get 1 minute each.
Question 1. Seattle is the fastest growing city in America. How do we increase transit and growth with Trump in office? Why are you the person to do it?
Jessyn cites her proven track record on transit issues.
Bob observes that a municipal bank will increase transit financing capacity and will help cover any
Federal shortfall.
Question 2. Bob’s idea for a Public bank. How do we capitalize it? Thoughts?
Jessyn — Implement it, it is a great idea!
Bob — Has been working on it for awhile, even knows Tea Party members who agree with him on it, and ithas support from public financing experts. We could divert current funding to it.
Question 3. How to deal with food deserts?
Bob – SE Seattle is the biggest food desert in the US. We need to build out transit so that these folks can
Get to stores.
Jessyn – Is transit the answer? Wants to foster small businesses and remove barriers for them. Increase the opportunities for people to grow their own food. Grocery chains could be asked to do more.
Bob – Agrees that these are all good strategies. Some limits on the size of big box stores might be part of the answer as well.
Jessyn – Day 1 of her term she would review the City Budget process to look for ways to remove barriers to small business start ups. Would look ahead to see what kinds of stores were coming to town, and would act on getting big stores to help.
Bob – Involve the Got Green organization in SE Seattle and bring the community together to ask them what THEY want.
8:57 Voting
9:03 Results
39 for Hasegawa
53 for Farrell
Presentation of “The Hat”
Ted Barker moves to endorse in Mayor’s race tonight. Seconded.
Ted argues that we can’t wait, need to get it into the PCO walking kit.
Argument against is that there was a perception that an email went out that said that endorsements would be made in July.
Chair states that no such email went out.
Chris Porter argues for, It is time, we can’t wait too much longer.
Marcee Stone-Vekich argues against, it is too early and there are still too many candidates in the race, maybe wait until after the primary.
32 for endorsing
43 vs endorsing.
Nays have it, no endorsement tonight.
No Treasurer’s report.
No New PCO’s.
Good of the Order –
Michael Taylor-Judd reminds of the Light Rail Workshop on June 22nd at the Hall at Fauntleroy.
Martha Koester reminds that Burien Drinking Liberally is the 4th Thursday of the month at Angelo’s from 6:30 to 8:30.
9:15 Adjourn to Whiskey West.