June Executive Board Meeting – 6/19/19

June Executive Board Meeting – 6/19/19

150 150 34th Democrats

Executive Board Meeting Minutes


Attendees: Gina Topp, Carla Rogers, Ted Barker, Steve Butts, Karen Richter, Les Treall, Nick Bonazza, Ben Reilly, Dawn Rains, Rachel Glass, Leah Griffin, Jordan Crawley, Chris Porter, Ann Martin, Jimmy Haun, David Ginsberg, Marcee Stone-Vecich, Sophia Aragon, Raschelle Frets, Max Vecich, Phil Tavel, DeLancey Lane, Sam Widdlesbach (Herbolt campaign)

7:00 Call to Order

Rules of Discussion

Gina started the meeting with an overview of the issues we have been having over the past few weeks within the Board. (Resolutions, Member Lists, endorsement meeting)

  • Need to update our bylaws regarding the sharing of membership list. 
  • Need more structure about the resolution process and how we propose resolutions to the members.
  • Review the code of conduct. 

Gina distributed the WSDCC Code of Conduct, the KCDCC Code of Conduct and our 34th Dems Code of Conduct. 

Everyone introduced themselves and gave summary thoughts on their experience at the Endorsement meeting on June 12. 

7:49 Endorsement meeting follow-up

 Gina shared the factual details of the event happenings.

  • Early in the meeting during the potluck, David Ginsberg and Lou Frillman had a discussion about the candidates. 
  • Inappropriate language was used by Lou Frillman.
  • Safe Seattle, candidates Lisa Herbold and Phil Tavel were mentioned.
  • The word “Nazi” was used.
  • Unclear as to the purpose of the discussion.
  • Steven Jamison shared inappropriate words with Lou and dumped water on his head. Additional words were had and both exited the Hall to further their exchange.
  • Steven left the meeting. 
  • Lou spoke with Lorena Gonzalez and made her feel uncomfortable. 
  • Steven apologized to Gina and the 34th and has issued an apology statement to the 34th. 
  • Gina agrees that the behavior was unquestionably unacceptable. 

Suggestion was made to read Steve, Lou and David’s statements. 

Fact Finding options

  • Roberts Rules
  • King County Code
  • Alternative 
  1. Act on the facts that we know today (including the letters submitted by 3 parties involved)
  2. Impart an Investigation into the matter (leveraging any of the three options)

Discussion of the options followed.

18 members present (including only executive board members)

All 18 members voted for option 1. 

  1. Use only Gina’s account of the stated facts.
  2. Allow for 3 letters to be read with no discussion. 
  3. Allow for 3 letters to be read with discussion. 

Discussion of the 3 options followed.

Option 1 carried the majority.

Consequences Phase

Gina re-read her facts.

Marcee Stone-Vecich made statements to the board that is was taking a convenient route for resolution and stated that additional information was missing from the account of facts. 

The members voted to take a 5 minute break to allow Marcee to remind Gina of one of the occurrences. 

An additional Code of Conduct violation was filed during the break by Marcee Stone-Vecich. 

Discussion about the additional Code of Conduct violation ensued. Jesse made a motion which was seconded to table the new violation to a future meeting. 

  1. Address the new Code of Conduct violation to be tabled.
  2. Address the new Code of Conduct violation tonight.

Discussion was tabled. Jesse made a further motion to investigate this new issue within one week outside of an in-person meeting. 

Gina mentioned that the bylaws should address board communication outside of meetings. 

Marcee withdrew her Code of Conduct violation and exited the meeting. 

The motion passed to investigate the new issue within one week. 

The board discussed options for an investigation.

Ben motioned that Gina completes and summarizes the investigation and presents findings to the board. Motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Board discussed possible options, including: 

  1. Request for a formal, public statement or apology from each participant.
  2. Formal apology to each other.
  3. Suspension of member’s ability to attend meetings and membership for a period.
  4. Published statements
  5. Censure of one or both members. (⅔ of membership)
  6. Lacking authority, make a declaration of censure without names

Ann made a motion to consider the following action: (seconded by Les)

  • Request a public apology from Lou Frillman to Steven Jamison and 34th District Democrats
  • Request a public apology from Steven Jamison and the 34th District Democrats and suspension for 2 months 

Jesse made an amendment to the motion (seconded by Carla)

  • Board will create a resolution to condemn the actions by the two parties (no names to be used)
  • Suspend Steven from (4 upcoming) meetings until after the general election.
  • Suspend Lou from the July and August meetings of the 34th.
  • Request that the candidates make a statement about the language used (degrading hate speech) and a public support of the 34th’s Code of Conduct.

Discussion was held on the amendment.

The amendment passed. 

Les made an amendment to add resolutions of censure for both Lou and Steven. 

Discussion was held on the amendment.

Motion failed by majority. 

The motion passes by majority. 

10:03 Announcements

School Board Endorsements will be done in July

Bylaws Committee was formed.

Resolutions Committee will be formed. 

Chris Porter will lead a task force on the Code of Conduct 

Additional business was tabled until the next meeting, due to time. 

Les presented a resolution for consideration by the board in support of the Green New Deal. 

A motion was made to present the resolution to the membership at the July meeting, once edits are made. The final resolution will be shared on Slack for a board vote, prior to the meeting. 

Meeting was adjourned