05-12-21 Monthly Meeting Minutes

400 300 34th Democrats

34th Democrats General Meeting Minutes

May 12, 2021 –  Virtual meeting held via closed ZOOM

Pre-Meeting Presentation   

6:58 pm – Call to Order by Carla Rogers, Chair 

Reminder about registration and using personalized links in meeting confirmations. Thank you for your patience. 

Opening Ceremonies

Land & People Acknowledgement presented by First Vice Chair Rachel Glass

VIP Acknowledgements/Statements 

  • Representative Joe Fitzgibbon
  • Burien City Council Member Nancy Tosta 
  • King Co Executive Dow Constantine: The King County Coalition Against Hate and Bias includes CISC and many other organizations. Mentioned my proposed $5 million investment into anti-hate and bias. This coalition is the primary recipient of those funds, to reach out as trusted community partners collect information on and report hate based bias and violence.  https://kingcounty.gov/elected/executive/equity-social-justice/Coalition-Against-Hate-And-Bias.aspx 
  • Port Commissioner Peter Steinbrueck: Attended the 19th meeting of West Seattle Bridge today; bids are going out today, and selection made by end of month, bridge completion goal is in 2022.  Access permits available for lower bridge application:  https://go.participate.online/lowbridge-access-request 
  • King County Councilmember Joe McDermott: Work to ban fireworks sales in unincorporated King County. Working to renew August ballot Levy for Best Starts for Kids. Budget update includes economic development of BIPOC youth in Unincorporated King County. Lowest rate of infection and death in the largest counties in the country. Joe.McDermott@KingCounty.gov; 206 755 8893 
  • King County Councilmember Dave Upthegrove: King County Council taking up a COVID budget right now including rental assistance. 206-390-3332 personal cell or daveup@comcast.net 
  • Chris Porter made a brief pitch for greening our region.
  • Speak Up Survey Question: In Person Meeting Selection – Which meeting venue criteria are most important to you?   

Approval of Agenda

  • Colleen Hinton motioned, Ann Martin seconded to approve the agenda, verbal approval vote, no opposition. 

Approval of April Minutes

  • Ann Martin motioned to approve, Sarah Koch seconded, verbal approval vote, no opposition. 

Budget Report

  • Treasurer Julie Whitaker reported on the budget and this month’s finances.  The month’s budget ended slightly below where it began.  Reminder that the fiscal year now begins May 1. 

Membership Report

  • Membership Chair Trey Lykins reported  28 renewals due to dedicated volunteers contacting existing members.  As of tonight, 110 PCOs and 450 members! 

Meet the Candidates 


  • Colleen Echohawk, https://www.echohawkforseattle.com/, first time running as a candidate, born and raised in Alaska, been in Seattle over 24 years, and believes it is ready for change.  Currently building over $180M  in affordable housing.  Time to end this humanitarian crisis, and wants to serve Seattle. Police arrest black people at 6x more than white people in Seattle.  Consulted the elders before running.  
  • Jessyn Farrell, https://www.jessynformayor.com/, running for Mayor so this can be a city we are proud of, ready to tackle affordable housing and infrastructure problems, and childcare.  
  • Lorena Gonzales, https://lorenaforseattle.com/, first generation American, daughter of immigrants, started by working in the orchards with her family. First Latinx person elected to Seattle City Council. Ongoing advocate for police accountability and public safety. Has the experience, relationships and track record to make changes, and wants to build livable, connected, safe neighborhoods with affordable housing.  
  • Bruce Harrell, https://www.bruceforseattle.com/, the city is defining who it will be right now, advocated for ‘ban the box’ initiative, and advocated for policy review through equity lens, and bodycam for police. Advocates for Health Care for All and no falling through the cracks, create Seattle job center, and trackable homeless assistance and police reform. Half African American and half Asian, very focused on race and social justice. 

Seattle City Council position 9 

  • Corey Eichner, https://coreyeichner.com/, an educator, served for 18 years in public schools here, advocates for equity and social justice in accessing public education and anti-racist students. Need leaders committed to working together and in education, you learn working together every day. 

Port Commissioner position 3 (incumbent) 

  • Stephanie Bowman, https://bowmanforport.com/, continued port construction projects safely during the pandemic to preserve jobs, created covid vaccination clinic for airport workers and gave 6,000 vaccines, created over 600 jobs for youth from underserved communities, put a tiny home village on port property. 

Port Commissioner position 4

  • Toshiko Hasegawa, https://www.hasegawaforport.com/, port of Seattle is a connector and has tremendous impact on our communities, port is number 1 polluter in our state, healthy green communities and power sources invigorates our region. 

Burien City Council Position 1 

  • Hugo Garcia, https://www.hugoforburien.com/, immigrant from Mexico, came as a child in the 80’s, family ran a small business restaurant in the sports arena here, worked in a bank through 2009, then joined a non-profit supporting small business, in 2016 saw an increase in hate crimes which motivated him to become politically involved.  Immigrants take care of business. 

King County Executive

  • Senator Joe Nguyen, tough year, but heartwarming seeing the outpouring of support.  Made 1.1 billion in rental relief this last year. Transformative capital budget. Most diverse legislature in the history of WA state. Invest in people, be anti-racist, work towards corporations not being recognized as people. 

What’s Next for PCOs?

  • Nick Bonazza: discussed the plan for GOTV and help in precincts that may not have a PCO, door hangers for Primary coming soon, talking directly to voters is the best way to inspire action.  Civility is key and there will be candidates across the Democratic spectrum, representing the diverse communities we live in. PCO@34dems.org 


Burien Focus 

  • Councilmember Kevin Schilling: Over 80 local businesses addressed concerns with public safety in the business core, individuals experiencing homelessness and issues of housing availability continue to be concerns, discussing a proposal for a 96 unit permanent housing facility. 
  • Mayor Jimmy Matta talked about the importance of drug treatment, and mental health, and saving local jobs.  Has been working on safety for Burien for many years and it has  improved significantly.  American guns are moving into Latin American countries and are fueling the unrest and motivating the unrest which causes people to flee the violence. Some individuals in Burien have a very privileged mindset and it is not limited to one color!  We have to work hard and maintain our momentum.  Kickoff for election is tomorrow! 
  • Step Up for Burien:  

Resolution for Consideration

  • Bunny Hatcher spoke for the resolution and the tremendous increase in hate crimes.  This resolution is presented to the membership with a recommendation from the board of Do Pass.
  • Julie Whitaker motioned, Rachel Glass seconded, verbal approval, no opposition. 

Social Justice & Equity Committee 

  •  Jeff Sbaih, chair, shared that the committee provided COVID vaccines in High Point and plans to host  the second one for follow up vaccines very soon. Next COVID clinic for the second vaccine is May 23 in High Point!

Executive Board Committee Chair

Carla Rogers presented Sarah Koch as Bylaws and Rules Committee Chair. 

  • Ann Martin moved, and Dawn Rains seconded to confirm Sarah Koch as Bylaws and Rules chair. Verbal approval no opposition. 

Good of the Order

  •   Colleen Hinton discussed climate advocacy during Burien City Council  meetings.  

Adjourned at 8:57  by Carla Rogers, Chair.