34th Democrats Membership Meeting Minutes, August 9, 2023 – Held via closed Zoom
6:36 PM – Call to Order by Chair Graham Murphy
Chairs Opening Remarks and Announcements
- Chair Murphy reviewed the evening’s activities
- The picnic will be September 9, in Lincoln Park at Shelter 3. Graham asked those who wish to attend to reserve at a link on our Facebook page. BBQ with vegetarian options, sides, and drinks are to be provided. Guests are to bring dessert. Admission is free, but there will be an ask for donations during the event.
Opening Ceremonies
- The agenda was presented. A motion to approve was made by Ann Martin; seconded by Chris Porter. The agenda was approved by unanimous consent.
- The minutes from the June meeting were also presented. Ann Martin moved to approve; Rachel Glass seconded. The minutes were approved by unanimous consent.
- Treasurer Julie Whitaker gave the financial reports for both June and July. Current membership as of August 1 stood at 324 including PCOs.
- 1st Vice Chair Rachel Glass gave the Land Acknowledgement. She also suggested that we could further show support for Indigenous peoples by giving a donation to the Seattle Urban Native Nonprofits organization: https://seattleurbannatives.org
PCO Appointment
- Precinct Leadership Committee Chair Dorothy Gesick introduced Stephen Lamphear for appointment as PCO for BUR 34-1058.
- Dorothy moved to appoint; Gayle Sommers seconded.
- Stephen was appointed unanimously by all PCOs present.
Appointment of Membership and Hospitality Committee Chair
- Chris Porter nominated Hannah Cameron; Julie Whitaker seconded.
- Hannah is appointed unanimously via voice.
- Chair Murphy reviewed the endorsement rules and voting procedures, and a link to our Code of Conduct was provided. Voting was to be done via Zoom poll, with texting as an alternative.
- A slide listing eligible candidates was shown which included only those who had completed the KC Democrats questionnaire.
- Except for the Board Block Vote item which only required a 50% majority, all endorsements needed at least 60% approval.
Seattle Housing Levy Block Vote
- Nimco Bulale gave a presentation on the 2023 Seattle Housing Levy. If renewed by voters would be a 7-year replacement of the current levy which is expiring. The Housing Levy was first approved in 1986.
- The Executive Board voted to submit the levy to the membership for approval at their July 19th meeting.
- Roxanne Thayer moved for endorsement; Chris Lampkin seconded.
- Both Roxanne and Chris spoke in favor.
- The motion passed unanimously via a ballot vote.
Vashon Island School District Director, Position 5
- Roxanne Thayer moved to endorse Juniper Rogneby; Steve Rubicx seconded.
- Roxanne spoke in favor of her motion
- Rogneby is endorsed by a vote of 94.7%.
Highline School District Director, District 1
- Sarah Moore moved to endorse Stephanie Tidholm; Motion is seconded by Kelsey Vanhee.
- Sarah spoke in favor.
- Tidholm is endorsed by a vote of 97.3% in favor.
Highline School District Director, District 4
- Carla Rogers moved to nominate Carlos Ruiz; Chris Porter seconded.
- Carla spoke in favor of her motion and ceded time to Ruiz.
- Ruiz was endorsed by 100% of the vote.
Burien City Council Position 4
- Pamela Jorgensen moved to endorse Patricia Hudson; Dow Constantine seconded.
- Pamela spoke in favor and ceded time to Hudson.
- Hudson was endorsed by 98.4 percent of the vote.
King County Councilmember Position 8
- Alexia Inigues rose to move to endorse Sofia Aragon; Eileen Cody seconded.
- Chris Lampkin nominated Teresa Mosqueda; Art Chippendale seconded
- Alexia spoke in favor of Sofia Aragon then ceded time to Aragon.
- Kelsey Vanhee spoke in opposition to Aragon
- Eileen Cody spoke again in favor.
- Stephen Lamphear spoke against.
- Chris Lampkin spoke in favor of Mosqueda and then ceded time to the candidate.
- Alexia Inigues spoke against endorsing Mosqueda.
- Art Chippendale spoke in favor and gave a portion of his time to Chris Porter.
- Teresa Mosqueda was endorsed by 85.2%
Presentation on Ranked Choice Voting
- Kari Bull, a representative from FairVote Washington was on hand to provide a presentation and answer questions on ranked choice voting. It is the hope of FairVote WA that this method can be in place for the 2028 Presidential Primary.
Candidate Contributions
Chair Murphy put forward the contribution recommendations of the Board, based on the budgeted amount of $5,500 approved earlier in the year by the membership.
- $250 to Teresa Mosqueda for KC Council District 8
- $250 total to Rob Saka for Seattle City Council District 1
- $1,175 to Gina Topp’s campaign for Seattle School District Director District 6
- $750 to Patricia Hudson for Burien City Council Position 4
- $750 to Krystal Marx for Burien City Council Position 6
- $500 to Stephanie Tidholm for Highline School Board Director District 1
- $500 to Carlos Ruiz for Highline School Board Director District 4
$500 was previously donated to the King County Democrats and deducted from the $5,500, and $750 remained free that had been designated for Burien City Council Position 2, in which we did not endorse a candidate. A balance of $825 remained.
Chair Graham Murphy made a motion in favor of making the recommended donations.
- Art Chippendale made a motion to amend to give an additional $750 to Teresa Mosqueda and spoke briefly to his amendment; Chris Lampkin seconded the motion.
- Dorothy Gesick spoke against.
- Roxanne Thayer spoke in favor.
- Chris Porter spoke against.
- The amendment failed by a vote of 60% against to 40% in favor.
- The original motion put forward by the Chair passed with a 97% YES vote.
- Graham noted that the remaining $825 could be utilized before the General Election as is warranted in reaction to outside spending.
Good of the Order
Members were allowed to rise at various points of down time during the meeting to make announcements or relay points of personal interest.
- Ann Martin announced that the West Seattle Democratic Women would be having their annual picnic on August 24th. It will be held at her home.
- Carla Rogers urged us to canvass for our candidates, especially in Burien. She offered to get members in touch with campaigns there.
- King County Executive Dow Constantine rose to thank us for helping to pass the Veterans, Seniors, and Human Services Levy renewal in the August 1st Primary.
- Steve Butts commented about the noise from the SeaFair Pirates’ cannon that plagued our unit during the West Seattle parade.
- Bunny Hatcher informed us of the passing of Robbie Roberson, a member of The Band, the influential rock group of the ‘60s and ‘70s.
- Chris Porter reminded us of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. He said we must remember to value this right and to ensure we preserve it in the face of ongoing efforts to erode it.
- Aneelah Afzali noted that August 28th is the 60th anniversary of the March on Washington. She will provide information on events to celebrate the date.