09/12/19 Monthly Meeting Minutes

09/12/19 Monthly Meeting Minutes

150 150 34th Democrats

September 11, 2019 – Hall at Fauntleroy

6:30 Potluck Social 

7:04 Call to Order

Opening Ceremonies

  • Pledge of Allegiance was led by Sofia Aragon
  • Moment of Silence
  • VIP Acknowledgements 

Joe Nguyen was recognized and announced his upcoming event held for LG Bob Ferguson on Sept 28 at C+P Coffee. 

Joe McDermott was recognized and requested help from the 34th. Saturday, Sept 14 doorbelling for Sofia Aragon and Kevin Schilling.  Meeting at 1:30pm Boulevard Park Library. 

  • Gina reminded everyone about our code of conduct.

7:07 Review and Approval of the Minutes and Agenda

  • A motion was made to approve the minutes from the August meeting. Motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
  • A motion was made to adopt the agenda. Motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
  • Chair’s Report – Executive board is working to update our code of conduct and Bylaws. Drafts are circulating. Input to the chairs of the committees are welcome. (Jordan Crawley – Resolutions Process, Chris Porter – Code of Conduct and Art Chippendale – Bylaws)Approval by the end of the year is the goal.
  • Membership and Treasurer’s Report – Ben shared highlights of the treasurer’s report and shared membership figures.

7:16 Housing and Homelessness Presentation

Sofia Aragon provided updates on the legislative front around housing.

Robin Koskey – Communications Manager at the Seattle Office of Housing

  • Shared info about current housing initiatives in Seattle

Daniel Malone –  Downtown Emergency Services Center (DESC) https://www.desc.org/about/

  • Over 500 beds
  • Behavioral Health Organization
  • “Housing is what ends homelessness”

If members want to help advocate, sign up for action alerts on the Low Income Housing Alliance website. www.wliha.org

8:11 New Business

  • School Board District Endorsements

A motion was made to support Aaron Garcia for Highline School Board Position 1. Motion was seconded. No further motions were made. Several members spoke in favor of Garcia’s nomination. A voice vote was held and Garcia was endorsed.

Steve Butts made a motion to nominate Eric Blumhagen for District 1 Seattle School District Director. Motion was seconded. No further motions were made. Blumhagen was endorsed with no dissention by the 34th.

Leah Griffin made a motion to nominate Rebeca Muniz for Seattle School Board District 3 Director. The motion was seconded and no further motions were made. Muniz was endorsed with no dissention by the 34th. 

  • Resolution in Support of the Seattle Urban Forestry and Commission’s Draft Tree and Urban Forest Protection Ordinances

Jordan Crawley, Legislative Action Committee Chair, provided background on the resolution. 

Motion and second was made to consider the resolution. Steve Zemke spoke in favor of the motion. Les Treall spoke against the resolution. The resolution passed as submitted.

  • Appointment of PCOs – 2 new PCOs were nominated and approved by representing PCOs at the meeting.
  • General Election Campaign Donations

The attendees talked among themselves to provide ideas for how to divide the 34th’s allocated budget for campaign donations of $1000.

Motion was made to give $500 each to Sofia Aragon and Kevin Schilling. Motion was seconded and a vote affirmed this donation.

8:56 Good of the Order

Ann Martin invited the group to support the Gala to be held on October 5 at the Seattle Design Center.

Jesse Greene spoke in support of the Regional Housing Authority. 

Art Chippendale encouraged attendance of the Impeachment Teach In.

DeLancey Lane mentioned the upcoming fundraisers for Joe McDermott. 

Les Treall reminded everyone that the West Seattle Food Bank Auction this weekend. 

Aaron Garcia thanked the group for his endorsement and invited support at his upcoming fundraiser. 

Eric Blumhagen thanked everyone for the endorsement. 

9:09 Adjourn to Whiskey West