5/6/20 – Held via conference call due to COVID-19.
Attendees: Carla Rogers, Steve Butts, Gina Topp, Ann Martin, Rachel Glass, Art Chippendale, Leah Griffin, Les Treall, Karen Richter, DeLancey Lane, Max Brown, Ben Reilly, Dawn Rains, Nick Bonazza, Chris Porter
7:10 Gina called the meeting to order and those attending gave personal high and low points from the last month. Quorum reached.
Gina presented the draft Calendar. The Call for the May meeting included a link to register for the May Program. Gina would like to do a phone back to reach out to members who have not joined this year. The calendar included a suggested Virtual Phone Bank Training in June. July 8 would be a general meeting for Endorsements.
The group discussed canvassing and phone banking for GOTV.
Electronic Voting Bylaw Change
Gina shared an electronic voting/by-laws amendment that she is proposing. Guidance came from the state party. Gina shared a document from the state party which offered a potential amendment to the bylaws. Debate was held.
Ann moved that we take the action electronically and ratify it at the next in-person meeting.. Leah seconded. Discussion was held. A vote was held and the motion passed unanimously (15).
Gina and Ben presented the updated budget for the balance of the year, considering the changes required by the pandemic. The outreach events are being cancelled. Chris moved that we donate our fees from cancelled events to designated charities (Vashon Food Bank, WS Food Bank and Burien Food Bank). Chris amended his motion to be that initial funds ($235) to be divided between Vashon Food Bank and Burien Food Bank and future returned funds would be sent to local food banks. Chris withdrew his motion. Art made a motion for how to handle Outreach funds. For event funds already distributed where the event is cancelled the e-board will discuss how to handle the funds at a later time. Additionally, any money budgeted for outreach events but not distributed would go to our area food banks (3) if the event gets cancelled. Motion was seconded and passed.
Carla made a motion that we spend the $500 budget item by donating to the 3 area food banks. Motion was seconded. Motion passed.
Ann made a motion and DeLancey seconded to approve the revised budget as amended.
PCO Committee
Nick gave a report on PCO activities in the past month. Nick is in touch with new PCO leads. Some of the PCOs will be making calls to PCOs to remind them to file, starting May 11. Nick has submitted a plan for how we will work with the coordinated campaign.
Delegate Selection Process
Rachel gave an update on the Delegate Selection process. Audit package arrived today. We had 16 spoiled ballots. Audit committee will be working their tasks Thurs/Friday. Elected delegates will be contacted Saturday. Alternate spots are still open and we have been encouraged to find people willing to be an alternate.
Fundraiser Update
Carla gave an update on the July Fundraiser.
Events Committee
Jacqui and Wes will be moving to Lacey and have resigned their roles. A big loss for the organization. We will need a new Events Committee Chair and help with sound at meetings when we start having them again.
State Party Update
Chris shared info about the State Party conference call that was held tonight. It has been confirmed that State Convention will be virtual. Details unknown at this time. A PLEOS and AT-LARGE discussion was held, minimum of 2 candidates per slot will be solicited.
Good of the Order
- Chris is getting sworn in virtually as KC Conservation Supervisor!
9:05 Adjourn