Our Resolutions
These are resolutions that have been approved by the members of the 34 District Democrats. Resolutions are voted on during our monthly meetings. Check the calendar to see when the next meeting is!
If you have a resolution that you’d like to propose to the membership, please email it to chair@34dems.org and bring printed copies of it to an Executive Board meeting for approval by the Board.
Supporting of App-based Worker Minimum Wage
Passed by the membership on August 14th, 2024 Resolution in Support of App-based Worker Minimum Wage WHEREAS the Washington State Democrats have called for “Legislating respect for workers [with] Government protection for workers in the gig economy” and, consistent with this value, the 34th District Democrats support ending the wealth gap and income inequity, living […]
Low Income Housing on Surplus Fort Lawton Land
Passed by the membership on August 14th, 2024 Resolution in Support of the City of Seattle Development of Low Income Housing on Surplus Fort Lawton Land Whereas the original name of Fort Lawton and Discovery Park for time immemorial was PKa’dz Eltue, “thrust far out,” in Lushootseed and were part of the ancestral lands of […]
Resolution Condemning Seattle City Attorney’s Filing
Adopted by the membership on April 10, 2024 Resolution Condemning Seattle City Attorney’s Filing of a Standing Affidavit of Prejudice against Municipal Court Judge Pooja Vaddadi Whereas the Seattle voters duly and independently elected Judge Pooja Vaddadi, a municipal court judge, to a four-year term in November 2022; and Whereas on Friday, March 1, 2024 […]
Resolution in Support of the Sovereignty of Ukraine
Adopted by the membership on April 10, 2024 Resolution in Support of House Resolution 227 Recognizing the Sovereignty of Ukraine and the Unbreakable Spirit of the People of Ukraine WHEREAS on February 24, 2022, the Government of the Russian Federation launched an unprovoked, full-scale, military invasion against Ukraine in direct violation of international law; and […]
Unincorporated King County Minimum Wage Resolution
ADOPTED RESOLUTION Adopted by the body at the November 8, 2023 monthly membership meeting. WHEREAS the 34th Legislative District Democrats’ platform supports a living wage tied to the median market housing rate; and WHEREAS low wages contribute to housing insecurity, homelessness, and many other social problems that weaken our communities; and WHEREAS, A full-time worker, […]
Rank Choice Voting Resolution
Adopted at the September 9, 2023 membership meeting. A Resolution Supporting Ranked Choice Voting for the Presidential Primary in 2028 WHEREAS voter involvement in democracy is contingent on the belief that their vote means something; and WHEREAS 25% of Washington State’s Democratic presidential primary voters effectively “wasted” their vote in 2020 because they cast their […]
Resolution in Support of Raising the Minimum Wage in Burien
Resolution adopted at the May 10, 2023 membership meeting. Resolution in Support of Raising the Minimum Wage in Burien WHEREAS the 34th District Democratic platform supports living wage tied to the median market housing rate: and WHEREAS low wages contribute to housing insecurity, homelessness, and many other social problems that weaken our communities; and WHEREAS […]
Wealth Tax
Adopted by the membership on March 8, 2023 at the monthly membership meeting. Resolution in Support of a Washington Tax on Extreme Wealth (SB 5486 and HB 1473) WHEREAS the 34th District Democrats platform supports wealth taxes and the Washington State Democrats have called for “fair and just tax system for all; by creating a […]
Local Journalism Sustainability Act
Adopted by the membership at the August 10, 2022 meeting. A Resolution Calling for Passage of the Local Journalism Sustainability Act Whereas the first amendment of the United States Constitution protects freedom of speech and of the press, cementing the importance of these rights to the foundation of this nation; and Whereas the former president, […]
Resolution in Support of the Keep Our Care Act
Adopted by the membership on May 11, 2022 at the monthly membership meeting. Resolution in Support of the Keep Our Care Act WHEREAS, mergers and acquisitions between health care entities, i.e., hospitals, hospital systems, and provider organizations are prolific across the country and in Washington State, negatively impact cost, quality, wait times, and access to […]
Gondola Resolution
Adopted by the membership at the May 11, 2022 meeting. A Resolution Stating the 34th Democratic Legislative District’s Preferred Alternative for a West Seattle Extension and Calling for a New Independent Study Whereas, Sound Transit (ST) issued a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) on the West Seattle Ballard Extension alternatives and is currently receiving public […]
Medicare Resolution
Adopted by the membership on April 13, 2022 at the monthly membership meeting. Whereas, Medicare has been our national health care system for seniors and the disabled in the United States since 1965; and Whereas, Medicare beneficiaries are among the most vulnerable populations served by our health care system, and need more, not fewer, benefits […]
Resolution in Support of 2022 Climate Bills
Adopted by the membership on February 9, 2022 at the monthly membership meeting. Resolution in Support of Climate Bills Pending in the 2022 Washington State Legislature Whereas, our planet is warming faster than science projected even 10 years ago; and Whereas, climate change worsens and increases the frequency of freak storms and heat domes, wildfires and […]
Resolution Regarding Non-discriminatory, Medically Comprehensive Healthcare in Washington State
Adopted by the membership at the January 12, 2022 meeting. Whereas, many regions in Washington State have limited health care access; that is, with perhaps only one clinic and/or one hospital; and Whereas, mergers and acquisitions in the Washington health care system have led to a near monopoly by certain healthcare institutions and hospitals; and […]
Resolution on Recovery of Endangered Salmon, Steelhead and Southern Resident Orcas
Adopted at the November 10, 2021 meeting of the membership. WHEREAS, between 1991 and 1999, thirteen stocks of Columbia/Snake River salmon and steelhead were listed as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act, including Snake River sockeye, steelhead and spring, summer and fall chinook; and WHEREAS, the population of Southern Resident orcas, designated as […]
Resolution in Support of a SELECT COMMITTEE FOR CLIMATE in the Seattle City Council
Approved by the membership at the 9/8/21 membership meeting. Resolution in Support of a SELECT COMMITTEE FOR CLIMATE in the Seattle City Council Whereas, 70% of greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) come from cities* and Seattle is the largest city in the state; it is thus essential that Seattle reach its GHG reduction goals if King […]
Resolution Supporting Whole Washington Health Trust
Approved by the membership at the 9/8/21 meeting. PROPOSED Resolution Supporting Whole Washington Health Trust WHEREAS Article 25 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights sets forth that “Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing […]
Resolution in Support of the Protecting the Right to Organize (“PRO”) Act
Adopted by the membership at the August 11th, 2021 membership meeting. Whereas history shows that increased unionization has the power to dramatically decrease economic inequality and build broadly shared prosperity; and Whereas making the economy work for working people will restore faith in our economy and our democracy; and Whereas union contracts are the single […]
Resolution on Sustainable Mobility
Adopted at the August 11th, 2021 membership meeting. WHEREAS Washington State, and in fact the whole country, is in the midst of a climate crisis, a housing crisis, and a failure to protect residents and visitors from vehicular accidents, with transportation creating 45%1(and increasing2) of Washington State’s greenhouse gases; and WHEREAS Washington State has developed […]
Resolution in Support of Eliminating the Senate Filibuster
Adopted by the general membership at the July 14, 2021 membership meeting. Resolution in Support of Eliminating the Senate Filibuster WHEREAS The the authors of the United States Constitution intended legislation to be passed by simple majority vote1, and the Constitution mandates supermajority votes in only a few specific cases;2 and WHEREAS The Senate filibuster […]
Resolution Urging Congress to Enact National Infrastructure Bank Legislation
Adopted by the membership on July 14, 2021. Resolution Urging Congress to Enact National Infrastructure Bank Legislation To Memorialize The United States Congress To Enact H.R. 3339 Or Similar Legislation To Establish A National Infrastructure Bank To Finance Urgently Needed Infrastructure Projects Whereas, the American Society of Civil Engineers stated in its 2017 report card that […]
Resolution urging Governor Inslee to Sign “EQUITY NOW!” Executive Order
Adopted by the general membership on June 9, 2021. Resolution urging Governor Inslee to Sign “EQUITY NOW!” EXECUTIVE ORDER WHEREAS in 1998, Washington voters passed Initiative 200 (I-200) which clearly stated in the November 3, 1998 Washington State Voters Pamphlet, that I-200 does not end all affirmative action programs, but only prohibits those programs which […]
Resolution to Act Now on Anti-Asian Violence
This resolution was adopted by the membership on May 12, 2021. Resolution to Act Now on Anti-Asian Violence WHEREAS former President Trump, since the very beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, used rallies and press conferences to blame the virus’ spread on people of Asian descent by repeatedly and purposely calling COVID-19 the “China virus” and/or […]
Resolution Calling for the King County Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Task Force of the Executive Branch to Adopt a Gender Transition Policy for Employees
Will be reviewed at the April 14, 2021 membership meeting. Board recommends do pass. PROPOSED Resolution Calling for the King County Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Task Force of the Executive Branch to Adopt a Gender Transition Policy for Employees WHEREAS the Democratic Party is a progressive party, committed to gender equity and social justice […]
Appointing a BIPOC Director to the City of Seattle’s Office of Arts & Culture
Approved at the March 10, 2021 membership meeting. Appointing a BIPOC Director to the City of Seattle’s Office of Arts & Culture Whereas, in 2021, Seattle will celebrate 50 years of cultural appreciation; starting with the founding of the Seattle Arts Commission, which became the City’s Office of Arts & Culture (OAC) in 2001; and […]
Call for the Resignation of Mike Solan, Seattle Police Officers Guild (SPOG) President
Approved by the Membership on February 10, 2021. Resolution Calling for the Resignation of Mike Solan, Seattle Police Officers Guild (SPOG) President WHEREAS the Democratic Party is a progressive party, committed to Constitutional values, including the right to freedom of speech, press, peaceable assembly, freedom to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects […]
Renaming Maury Island
Approved at the November 9, 2020 membership meeting. Resolution to Remove the Name Maury from Maury Island and Vashon-Maury Island Whereas, the 34th Legislative District jurisdiction contains Maury Island, named after the treasonous William Lewis Maury (“WL Maury”); and Whereas, WL Maury was born in Virginia and became a Midshipman in the U.S. Navy in […]
Black Lives Matter Movement
Membership approved with one amendment at the September 9 general membership meeting. Resolution on the Black Lives Matter Movement Whereas, this body acknowledges that racism is defined as the patterns of privilege, power and authority granted to one group over others based on race; and Whereas, this body acknowledges that the United States was founded […]
West Seattle Bridge NOW
Membership approved as submitted at the September 9 general membership meeting. Resolution to Efficiently Establish Sustainable Means of Travel to and from West Seattle Whereas, the Jeanette Williams Memorial Bridge (“West Seattle Bridge”) was closed on March 23, 2020 due to critical structural issues; and Whereas, the West Seattle Bridge functioned as the primary avenue […]
Federal Green New Deal Coalition Participation
WHEREAS President Franklin Roosevelt used the “New Deal” to raise the country out of its greatest challenge, a debilitating depression; WHEREAS the greatest challenge we now face is the specter of global destruction from climate change and the disruptions it is causing; WHEREAS a Green New Deal is proposed at the federal level within House […]
Resolution Defending Immigrant Rights
Passed on August 12, 2020. This resolution will be debated and voted on at the March 2020 meeting. WHEREAS the Trump Administration’s immigration enforcement policies are restrictionist, prioritizing deportation of legal immigrants, restriction of the visa process, and rejection of asylum claims; and WHEREAS the Trump Administration’s designs its immigration enforcement policies to intimidate immigrants […]
Israeli-Palestinian Peace
Passed at the August 12, 2020 general membership meeting. Resolution in Support of Washington Democrats’ Commitment to Israeli-Palestinian Peace, and in Opposition to any Further Occupation, Settlement Expansion, or Other Unilateral Annexation of West Bank Territory WHEREAS the Washington Democratic Party’s 2018 platform rightly states support for serious negotiations between Israel and Palestine in order […]
Adoption of Zero Emissions Vehicles
Resolution Urging Washington State Adoption of the Zero Emissions Vehicle (ZEV) Program WHEREAS the climate crisis requires bold action to reduce carbon emissions[1]; and WHEREAS gasoline is the single largest source of carbon emissions in Washington State[2]; and WHEREAS the electricity that powers electric vehicles in Washington State is overwhelmingly produced by renewable energy[3]; and [...]
Resolution in Support of the Seattle Urban Forestry Commission’s Draft Tree and Urban Forest Protection Ordinance
Whereas Seattle is losing not only its biggest trees, but much more of its green cover, as developers frequently scrape properties clean of trees to maximize their buildable area; and Whereas Seattle has failed to require developers to replace all “exceptional” trees and trees over 24” DBH (diameter at 54” high) as prescribed by SMC 25.11.090; and Whereas Seattle, unlike Portland and other major cities, has not instituted a permit system to govern tree removal on developed property or property […]
Urging Approval of Referendum 88
WHEREAS I-200 (the initiative that launched the career of Tim Eyman in 1998) has restricted educational opportunity and economic mobility among Washington’s most diverse communities for the last two decades; and WHEREAS the Washington State Democratic Party believes guaranteeing every resident of Washington State equal opportunity and access to public education, public employment, and public […]
Resolution Regarding Child Separation
Whereas the Trump administration has, since at least March 2017, enacted a cruel, inhumane policy of separating the children of immigrant families from their parents, and Whereas the United States of America was founded on the principle that all men are created equal, and that we interpret “men” to mean human persons, and that all […]
Resolution Rejecting Hate Speech
WHEREAS the Democratic Party consists of a diverse set of people who must promote a truly representative Party, open to all who support its principles; and WHEREAS the 34th Legislative District Democrats (34th Dems) are committed to maintaining a welcoming, safe, and hate-free environment where all are comfortable, and ask all members join in efforts […]
Resolution in Support of The Green New Deal for Seattle
WHEREAS, a preponderance of scientists working in climate related fields agree that climate change is accelerating at an alarming rate; and WHEREAS, those same scientists agree that much of that acceleration is due to human activity; and WHEAREAS, the proposed Green New Deal for Seattle calls for legislation to eliminate climate pollution from Seattle by […]
Gas Infrastructure Resolution
Resolution Opposing New and Expanded Gas Infrastructure in WA State Considered at the 5/8/19 Membership Meeting WHEREAS the world’s foremost body of climate scientists, the Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change reports that we have until 2030 to limit global warming to 1.5C to mitigate devastating worldwide climate impacts such as extreme temperatures, heavy rains, drought, […]
Pro-Primary Resolution
Pro-Primary Resolution submitted by Jeanne Fellin. Below is the amended and approved version. Resolution Calling on State Committee Members to Vote in Favor of a Primary as the Determining Step for Presidential Delegate Allocation Whereas the Washington State Democratic Party State Central Committee will vote in April on whether to retain presidential precinct caucuses as […]
Resolution Supporting King County Councilmember Kohl-Welles’s Amendment to Invest an Additional $184 Million into Affordable Housing for King County Residents
(For consideration at the September 12, 2018 membership meeting) 34th LD Democrats Resolution 2018-2 WHEREAS housing instability and homelessness continue to grow in our immediate communities and across Washington State as a whole; and WHEREAS rents in King County are out of reach and King County workers must earn at least $29.40/hour for a modest […]
WFSE Letter of Support
WFSE Letter of Support Passed: March 2017 March 8, 2017 WFSE Letter of Support BE IT RESOLVED THAT 34TH District Democrats voted by acclamation to sign the WFSE Letter of Support on March 8, 2017: We, the undersigned individuals and organizations, recognize an affordability crisis happening (in several communities around Washington State) that’s harming both [...]
Resolution in support of HB 1144-S which would amend limits on greenhouse gas emissions by the 34th District Democratic Organization of the State of Washington
Resolution in support of HB 1144-S which would amend limits on greenhouse gas emissions by the 34th District Democratic Organization of the State of Washington Passed: March 2017 WHEREAS, in 2008 the State of Washington adopted goals for the reduction of Greenhouse Gases emissions reductions by 2020, 2035 and 2050; and WHEREAS, the WA State [...]
Resolution opposing attacks on our health benefits by the 34th District Democratic Organization of the State of Washington
Resolution Opposing Attacks on our Health Benefits Passed: March 2017 WHEREAS, comprehensive health benefits are essential to ensuring working families and retirees can get the health care they need, when they need it; WHEREAS, health insurance should be affordable for all Americans; WHEREAS, Medicare is a promise to the American people that must be kept for current and future [...]
Resolution supporting the expansion of Social Security and eliminating the cap on earnings that are subject to the Social Security payroll tax by the 34th District Democratic Organization of the State of Washington
Resolution supporting the expansion of Social Security and eliminating the cap on earnings that are subject to the Social Security payroll tax by the 34th District Democratic Organization of the State of Washington Passed: March 2017 WHEREAS, the gap between the pensions and retirement savings American households actually have and what they need in order [...]
Resolution supporting House Bill 1646 by 34th District Democratic Organization State of Washington
Resolution supporting House Bill 1646 By 34th District Democratic Organization State of Washington Passed: March 2017 WHEREAS, the burning of fossil fuels creates air pollution that causes impaired lung function, shortness of breath, wheezing, asthma attacks and premature death; WHEREAS, the burning of fossil fuels generates greenhouse gases that cause climate change which according to [...]
Resolution regarding Renewable Energy System Tax Incentives and Recycling (HB 1048) by the 34th District Democrats
Resolution regarding Renewable Energy System Tax Incentives and Recycling (HB 1048) by the 34th District Democrats Passed: February 2017 WHEREAS, in 2006 the State of Washington created the Renewable Energy Cost Recovery Incentive Program; and WHEREAS, these goals have been codified to the Revised Code of Washington at Title 70, Section 235; and WHEREAS, the [...]