Executive Board Meeting
January 16, 2019
Attendees: Carla Rogers, Steve Butts, Max Brown, Jesse Greene, Randy Litzenberger, Jordon Crawley, David Ginsberg, Jacqui Morris, Les Treall, Martha Koester, Sofia Aragon, Nick Bonazza, Marcee Stone-Vekich, Ann Martin, Ted Barker, Chris Porter, Ben Reilly, Rachel Glass, Gina Topp, Betsey Archambault
7:04 Call to Order and Introductions
7:20 Review and Discussion of 34th Committees
The attendees reviewed and discussed the work of the standing committees. Chairs were confirmed/committed. It was agreed that we should update the role of the committee to meet current activities/responsibilities.
Committees discussed included:
- Chair – Nick with David, Randy and Max on the committee
- Fundraising – did not discuss
- Chair – DeLancey Lane
- Fundraising – did not discuss
- Membership
- Membership
- Outreach
- First meeting – January 24th at Uptown Espresso (Delridge), 7pm
- Co-Chairs: Karen Richter and Steve Butts
- Outreach
- Leadership Development
- Chair – Les Treall
- Leadership Development
- Hospitality
- Chair – Jesse Greene
- Hospitality
- Legislative Action
- Chair – Jordan Crawley
- Legislative Action
- Caucus & Elections
- Chair – Rachel Glass
- Caucus & Elections
- Hospitality
- Chair – Jesse Greene
- Hospitality
- Events
- Co-Chairs – Lacey Watson and Jacquie Morris (sp?)
- Events
- Diversity & Inclusion
- Chair: Sofia Aragon
Committees not discussed included:
- Young Democrats
- Programs
- Chair – Gina Topp
- Programs
- Communications
- Chair – Carla Rogers
- Communications
- Bylaws & Rules
- Chair – David Ginsberg
- Bylaws & Rules
- Finance
- Dawn Rains
- Finance
- Data & Technology
Important Upcoming Meeting – Feb 9
Machinists Hall – Southpark (9125 15th Pl S, Seattle, WA 98108)
KCDC Bylaws & Rules Committee
8:44 Program for our February General Meeting (February 13th)
- Gina thought an internally focused meeting would be appropriate.
- Max suggested a different format for the meeting that allows more discussion in small groups.
- Ann suggested something connected to the Legislative Session
- Ann suggested that a program about Election Security might be interesting
- Municipal election cycle is 2019 – homelessness, housing affordability, equity, public option (Cascade Care)
- Announcements of candidates.
- Gina and Sofia will work to get a panel of experts on several timely important topics.
8:58 Housekeeping
2nd Wed – General Meeting
3rd Wed – Board Meetings
- Committee Reports
- Program for the following month
Emails for elected/chairs will be handed off or reassigned by David.
May have a call with our attorney.
Bylaws committee made suggestions late last year. We do need to make changes to the Bylaws to be in state compliance.
9:04 Good of the Order
Les suggested that all eBoard members read through the Bylaws and Endorsement Rules.
Chris Porter has filed to be the King Conservation District Supervisor.
Next KCDCC meeting will be held Tuesday, January 22 meeting Renton Carpenters Hall meeting.
9:11 Meeting adjourned