Monthly Meeting Minutes

    April Monthly Meeting Minutes

    150 150 34th Democrats

    April 2017 Meeting Minutes

    34th District Democrats

    District Reorganization Meeting


    The Hall at Fauntleroy

    • Meeting called to order at 7:09 by Chair David Ginsberg
    • Pledge of Allegiance
    • Recognition of VIPs and Elected Officials:
      • Lorena Gonzalez – Running for re-election, Seattle City Council Position 9
        • Her priorities: Sustainable Police Reform, getting paid family leave statewide, and a
        • Legal defense fund for undocumented immigrants and refugees
      • Judge David Mann
      • Joe McDermott – King County Council
        • Update: Resilience fund voted through committee to help the 1 in 4 King County
        • Residents who are foreign born
    • Approval of the Minutes – (M)oved, (Seconded) and (P)assed
    • Adoption of the Agenda – MSP
    • Chairs Report –
      • Short explanation of the Showdown Format. 5 rounds, questions pulled from a hat, each
      • Candidate has 2 minutes. Top 6 as voted by the Membership move on to the 2nd round
      • Expressed need for a Fundraising Committee Co-Chair
      • Solicited suggestions for Garden Party theme
      • Announced Campaign kickoff for Dave Upthegrove on April 13
    • Legislative Action Committee highlighted sheet of ideas to support a Democratic Budget
    • Showdown in the 34th — Seattle City Council Position #8
      • MC Chris Porter announced Jenn Huff had dropped out of the race and Rudy Pantoja could not make it.
      • Speaker order chosen at random
      • First – John Grant
        • Make Seattle affordable, get corporations out of politics, is only accepting small donations.
        • (Q)uestion: How to protect commuters and visitors downtown.  (A)nswer: The Bicycle Master Plan and the Center City initiatives must be funded, impact fees should be considered
      • Second – Teresa Mosqueda
        • Heavily endorsed, focus on Healthcare and affordable housing, family leave and childcare.
        • (Q) Her opinion of homeless camp sweeps (A) Homelessness is a public health crisis, we need to get people inside and out of the elements
      • Special Appearance by Representative Pramila Jayapal – Updated on current priorities:
        • College for All with Bernie Sanders
        • Healthcare
        • Immigration
        • Medicaid cut by $800 million under Trumpcare proposal, its defeat was a victory for the American people, and she has signed on to HR 676, Medicare For All.
        • Of the Puget Sound area – “We are the Moral Conscience of our country!”
        • Trump’s action against Syria was unconstitutional, and Syria is not an imminent threat
        • “You can’t bomb your way to peace.”
        • Trump’s budget adds $54 million to the military and takes $54 million from EVERYTHING else.
        • Keep Resisting – “Strength emerges from times of crisis.”
        • Adam Smith may sign on to the College for All bill.
        • Emphasized the importance of workers and unions, and of OSHA standards and workplace safety rules.
        • Is Moving to West Seattle!
      • Third – James Passey – Libertarian
        • Taxation should be the LAST option considered. Is in favor of “Responsible Taxation”.
        • (Q) What advice for Seattle Schools to address achievement gap between white students and students of color. (A) Supports higher wages for teachers and the right for them to organize.
        • Wants to “help the adults help the kids”
      • Fourth – Sheley Secrest – Law clerk, VP of the local NAACP chapter, worked for the Urban League.
        • Her community got her where she is, we should “lift as we climb.” (Q) Does she support the annexation of White Center (A) Example of Skyway, suspects people in White Center feel like  they “are on an island.”
      • Fifth – Ryan Asbert – Developing Collaborative Democracy, a new kind of representation which is transparent and accessible.
        • (Q) How to spread tax reform (A) Is open to any tax proposal, sees the sales tax as regressive,
        • Doors are open to anything
      • Sixth – Charlene Strong – Need to be caring, and citizens should have a voice. Works as a civil rights commissioner.
        • (Q) Supports a progressive income tax? (A) Yes. Sales taxes are regressive. Property taxes should be lowered as well
      • Seventh – Mac McGregor – 1st transgendered candidate in the state. Seattle needs to support diversity. “We will never be a first class society if there are second class citizens.”
        • (Q) Catholic hospitals should disclose their policies on care that they provide, Yes or No? (A) Yes
      • Eighth – Dr. Hisam Goweli – Professor at the UW, is a medical doctor. Advocating for the homeless and POC/LGBTQ, also for quality, affordable health care, housing, affordability, and greater access to cultural services.
        • (Q) Opposed to metered parking in West Seattle? (A) More reliable mass transit is needed, then people wouldn’t complain about parking
    • Membership votes for who continues to 2nd round. Questions from a hat.
      • Jon Grant, Teresa Mosqueda, Sheley Secrest, Charlene Strong and Hisam Goweli move on
      • Hisam – (Q) How to address sex trafficking? (A) Has worked with victims in trauma and ERs, counsels them as well. This issue affects EVERYONE and there should be Zero Tolerance
      • Charlene – (A) Do you oppose a new stadium in SODO (A) Yes. Impact on Port and its labor force is too great, cannot afford the effect on traffic as well
      • Sheley – (Q) Her recommendations to builders to address housing issues (A) Points out she would be the only renter on the Council. There absolutely should be more affordable housing, as it is a public health issue
      • Jon – (Q) What can be done to address the housing fiasco in Seattle? (A) Former head of the Tenant’s Union. (A) 25% of new buildings should be affordable. Is running a campaign of specificity, there should be a corporate tax to help build affordable housing
    • Teresa and Jon to Final Round.
      • Question #1 – How would they address Food Deserts?
        • Jon – City should incentivize corner markets,  rent control for commercial properties
        • Teresa – Seattle is known for prosperity, BUT we should not have Food Deserts. Community plots should be available for locally grown/produced food. All of her policies would be viewed through a Health/Equity lens
        • Jon’s response – What are Teresa’s specifics?
        • Teresa’s response – Has done the work , has brought the people who are affected to the table for the discussion
      • Question #2 – Opinion of All Our Best, a new mayoral program to help African American males
        • Teresa – Communities of Color have less access to good jobs. School to Prison pipeline needs to be broken.  Involve the people affected in the discussion
        • Jon – Favors Restorative Justice for students. Expulsion should be the last option, try to keep the kids in school/ Develop and implement a program for post school life
        • Teresa’s response – Points out that prosperity is not being shared, and she will speak for the forgotten
        • Jon’s response – The community must be engaged as City Hall has been unresponsive. Big Business should pay impact fees to help fund schools
    • Closing Statements
      • Jon – City Council voted against affordable housing, he will push for it
      • Teresa – She will make sure that Seattle works for everyone
    • Winner of the Shootout: Jon Grant
      • Jon – 53 votes
      • Teresa – 44 votes
    • Moved and Seconded to endorse Jon, Teresa, Sheley, Hasim and Charlene
      • Members vote by paper ballot, tallying of the ballots begins
    • Burien Candidates introduced:
      • Pedro Olguin
      • Krystal Marx
      • Charles Schaefer – identifies as a Libertarian
      • Jimmy Matta
      • Nancy Tosta for Deputy Mayor
    • Endorsement for Seattle City Council Position #8
      • Question from the membership: Is Jon Grant eligible for our endorsement? He is running as a Democratic Socialist
      • (Meanwhile, tallying of the ballots continues)
      • Much discussion. It is MSP to table this endorsement until the May meeting.  Vote was by show of hands, 42 for tabling 28 against.
      • Results of ballot are announced:
        • Jon – 34 votes, 42%
        • Teresa – 36 votes, 44%
        • Charlene -1 vote, 1.2%
        • Sheley – 4 votes, 4.9%
        • Hasim – 6 votes, 7.4%
    • Treasurer’s Report – 406 members! Budget outlined, moved and seconded to approve.
    • Slate of Committee Chair nominees announced:
      • Carrie Alexander for Events
      • Chris Godwin for Finance
      • Chris Porter for Fundraising Co-Chair
    • Appointment of PCOs:
      • Irene Stewart -1473
      • Hugo Garcia – 0913
      • Christina McHugh – 1471
      • Craig Branham – 3632
      • Jason Cheung – 1255
    • Good of the Order
    • 9:50 – Meeting Adjourned.

    March Monthly Meeting Minutes

    150 150 34th Democrats

    34th District Democrats

    District Monthly Meeting


    The Hall at Fauntleroy

    Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chair David Ginsberg.

    Pledge of Allegiance.

    A short welcoming address from the Chair for new members, an invitation to be a PCO, and a request for a volunteer to fill the role of Technician.

    Adoption of Agenda and Meeting Rules.

    Moved, seconded, and passed.

    Treasurer’s Report – 145 people joined at the February meeting and Current membership is 335.

    Committee Reports:

    Legislative Action – Ann Martin explained purpose of committee and invited members to join. Emphasized helping the 31st and 45th Districts to take back the State Senate due to special elections.

    Data & Technical Committee report – Nick Bohall gave a short introduction of the new interactive PCO map.

    Candidates for Seattle City Council made short speeches introducing themselves to the membership.

    Teresa Mosqueda highlighted her public healthcare background and her endorsement

    From Rep. Pramila Jayapal.

    Sheley Secrest cited her commitment to Jobs Not Jails and housing and community issues.

    Address from Mayor Ed Murray

    The Mayor spoke about balancing Growth with Equity, fighting the new administration’s

    Policies, and homelessness.  He took one question about the Mayoral Office


    Main Program, Part I: Threats to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, presented by Robby Stern from the Puget Sound Advocates For Retirement Action.

    In honor of Women’s History Month, the program focused on women and Retirement and the Social Security safety net. Wage inequality and POC participation rates examined.

    King County Sherriff John Urquhart addressed the membership and pledged that the King County Sherriff’s Department would NEVER enter into a 287(g) agreement to assist ICE.

    Main Program Part II: Velma Veloria, the first Asian American woman to be elected to the Washington State Legislature and Organizer and Policy Advocate for the Faith Action Network spoke about the scourge of Human Trafficking and its impact on women and POC.

    Unfinished Business:

    Resolution regarding greenhouse gas emissions, HB-1646. Moved, seconded, and passed.

    New Business:

    Digital Communications – Chair Carrie Alexander invited members to join the committee and encouraged membership to interact with our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages. Video Project was highlighted, with Lynn Randal and Ann Martin being featured.

    Appointment of New PCOs:

    • Eric Ferrel – 34-0298
    • Juniper Rogneby – (Acting) – Carpenter
    • Gina Topp – (Acting) 34-1420
    • Jeanne Fellin – 34-1425
    • Ruth Kerr – 34-1422
    • Chryssa Brazil – 34-1246
    • Shelley Chase -34-1448

    All were moved, seconded, and passed.

    Resolution opposing attacks on our health benefits. Moved, seconded, and passed.

    Resolution Expanding Social Security. Moved, seconded, and passed.

    Resolution in support of HB-1144 which would amend limits on greenhouse gas emissions in Washington State. Moved, seconded, and passed.

    A Letter by the Washington Federation of State Employees was introduced in support of a Statement Regarding Locality Pay to Create an Equitable Living Standard. Moved, seconded, and passed.

    King County Council Chair Joe McDermott informed the membership of a County program for legal aid to immigrants.

    Good of the Order

    Adjourned at 9:00 p.m. by Chair David Ginsberg.

    February Meeting Recap: How to Resist Trump and Protect What We Hold Dear

    150 150 34th Democrats

    Thank you to everyone who attended in person or watched on Facebook live and made our first program such a success! This is what the beginning of a movement looks like, and this is a movement that will rescue our democracy, restore decency and a leave a liveable planet for our kids.

    Together we will win.

    The attendance last night was inspiring, staff at the Hall at Fauntleroy put the headcount at just over 700! An additional 674 watched via the Facebook live feed provided by Indivisible West Seattle.

    Per usual, the best play by play of the evening can be found on the West Seattle Blog here:


    We started the night with 195 members, and this morning we have 290, thank you to everyone who joined last night! Last year at this time we had 350 members, so we’ve still got a ways to go just to stay even with last year, and I know we can do better – if you haven’t joined for 2017 please do so now, and please consider monthly donations as it helps us plan. Note: it costs about $10/month per member to provide the programs and candidate/election support we do, so a monthly donation of $10 is the sustaining level. If you can afford to give more please do – we’ll put your money to good use continuing to build the strongest Democratic organization in the state! You can join or renew on our new website at


    We started the night with 125 PCOs, and ended with 141. Thank you to everyone who signed up to be a PCO last night, this is by far the biggest impact one can have on voters and elections, and we don’t want to leave any potential democratic voters behind. We have 209 precincts, so we’ve still got work to do here. If you’re interested in becoming a PCO please contact Brooks Salazar at

    Lobby Day

    King County Democrats Lobby Day is Monday, February 20th. If you’re interested in carpooling to Olympia please contact Steve Butts at

    Calling all High School Activists!

    Do you know a high schooler who’s concerned about their future and interested in having their voice heard in Olympia? The 34th District Democrats are sponsoring a bus to take high schoolers from the 34th to Olympia for Lobby Day. Please have them contact ASAP to get on board.

    Sponsor an activist! Please contribute whatever you can to help send these budding young activists to Olympia by making a contribution on our website here:

    Taking the next step and getting involved

    Here are some ways you can get involved in the new 34th District Democrats organization:

    1. Become a PCO:
    2. Become a member:
    3. Volunteer:
    4. Join one of our Executive Committees:
    5. We’re still looking for an Executive Board member to chair the Finance Committee. If you’re interested in this role please contact me at

    And here are the speakers and organizations we heard from last night. Please join one or more as well as joining the 34th. Our strength will come in the relationships we build.

    1. ACLU of Washington:
    2. Greater Seattle Neighborhood Action Coalition:
    3. IndivisibleSEA:
    4. American Muslim Empowerment Network:
    5. Equal Rights Washington:

    Thanks again for everything you do. We’re building a grassroots organization to protect what we hold dear and leave our kids a world we can be proud to leave them.

    It won’t be easy, but it will be rewarding. And we will win.

    In solidarity,
    David Ginsberg
    Chair, 34th District Democrats

    DigComm Meeting Notes – January

    150 150 34th Democrats

    DigComm Agenda – January

    1. Social media crew who tweets, instagrams, etc from their OWN accounts and tags #34dems or @34dems etc
    2. Get a volunteer to make a video of member stories, PCO stories
    3. Map for PCO – who’s going to do it, what will it look like, what does it need
    4. Contact your rep via Indivisible
    5. Robert’s Rules of Order simplified
    6. Legislation in everyday terms
    7. Who gets what permissions
    8. What is the best way to display volunteer events
    9. Member suggested things for agendas
    10. Bus for Lobby Day

    Attendance: Zoey, John, Carrie, David, Kyle, Ted, Jake, John, and Heather

    Discussion of Points

    1. Members use accounts they have already, and tag or share 34th social media accounts to get more traffic to them
      1. Instagram – John (Photography)
      2. Committee reports during, share something at each meeting about how digcomm works, eg how Facebook algorithm works, why we have different accounts, what they do, ect.
      3. Zoey really connected
      4. Message goes out to what accounts we have
      5. Get list of hashtags for events, in general, to members so they can use them too
    2. Ann Martin – First female member, first member story
      1. Member stories only
      2. Reach out and ask anyone who wants to share their story
      3. Bring up if they are a PCO in the videos
    3. Address finder
      1. Interactive map
      2. What precincts, if there is a PCO, contact pro
      3. Show nearby PCO, somehow know if there is no PCO there, contact PCO chair directly
      4. Also show area coordinators
      5. PCO form on the website
    4. David main contact
      1. Another committee or caucus for it
      2. Focus on congressional action with other legislative districts in congressional district
      3. Page on website
      4. BY FEB 8th meeting, email to go out to membership, summary of who, what, and why and how to contact, photos of people coming
      5. Back of agenda for meetings
        1. Chair explains, don’t fear to interrupt
        2. Website – Carrie
      6. Reps give blurb
        1. Talk with LAC and facilitate
        2. Need both TLDR (too long, didn’t read) and long version
        3. How to impact
    5. Website: Editor – Committee Chairs
      1. Other social media, Chair, first & second chair, other at discretion of chair
    6. Treina keeps track or volunteers, Jake asks for
      1. Put volunteers on certain events
      2. Make page for onetime and recurring events
      3. Signup – volunteer; Get Involved
      4. Mailing list – mailing list; Get Informed
    7. Better explanation of how meetings go
      1. One page about how meetings works
      2. Maybe put on back of agenda
      3. Maybe coordinate with Joy as a welcome packet
    8. Has to come from students
      1. When to reserve busses, shop around
    9. Move from paper membership signing
    10. Goals: Half day retreat with E-Board to set goals for the 34th
      1. If we can increase voter turnout by 10%, we can deny Republicans the governor
      2. Do something engaging in the committee
      3. Get together

    Meeting Minutes January 11, 2017

    150 150 34th Democrats

    34th District Democrats

    District Reorganization Meeting


    The Hall at Fauntleroy

    Meeting called to order at 7:02 by Temporary Meeting Chair Bailey Stober, KCDCC Chair.

    Flag Salute, led by Bailey Stober.

    Appointment of temporary officers for the reorganization meeting.

    Secretary: Chris Porter

    Parliamentarian: Marcee Stone-Vekich

    Sergeant at Arms: Ivan Weiss

    Tally Committee: Steven Jamison

    Adoption of Agenda and Meeting Rules.

    Moved and seconded and passed by acclamation.

    First Credentials Report: 62 PCOs signed in and eligible to vote.

    Reading of Rules

    Adoption of District Organization Bylaws and Standing Rules

    Moved and seconded and passed by acclamation.

    Election of 2017 District Chair:

    David Ginsberg nominated by Marcee Stone-Vekich. Ivan Weiss spoke in support of David’s nomination. David delivers speech asking for membership’s vote.

    David Ginsberg is elected by unanimous acclamation.

    David Ginsberg is installed as chair and takes up the gavel of the 34th District Democrats. New Chair

    makes a plea for unity after a divisive primary and general election season.

    Election of District Officers by PCOs:

    First Vice Chair: Treina Aronson by unanimous acclamation.

    Second vice Chair: Michael Taylor-Judd by unanimous acclamation.

    State Committeewoman: Lisa Plymate by unanimous acclamation.

    State Committeeman: Chris Porter by paper ballot.

    KCDCC Female Delegate: Carrie Alexander by unanimous acclamation.

    KCDCC Male Delegate: Les Treall by paper ballot.

    KCDCC Female Alternate: Martha Koester by unanimous acclamation.

    KCDCC Male Alternate: Ted Barker by unanimous acclamation.

    Appointment of District Credentials Committee is moved, seconded and passed by unanimous acclamation.

    Second District Credentials Report regarding Non PCO members. 31 present. 68 PCOs signed in and

    eligible to vote.

    Election of Secretary: Jason Cheung nominated by Steven Butts, seconded by Gina Topp.

    Elected by unanimous acclamation.

    Election of Treasurer: Gina Topp nominated by Karen Chilcutt , seconded by Jason Cheung.

    Elected by unanimous acclamation.

    Committee Chair Slate submitted to the membership. Each candidate made a short

    introductory speech before the vote was taken.

    Finance: Michael Taylor-Judd

    Digital Communications: Carrie Alexander

    Diversity and Inclusion: Sean Riley

    Finance: TBD

    Fundraising: Elisabeth Atwood

    Hospitality: Kate Riley

    Legislative Action: Ann Martin

    Membership: Joy Pakuluk

    Outreach: Karen Richter and Steven Butts, Co-chairs.

    PCO: Kathy Marshall

    Program: David Ginsberg

    Event Planning: Jacob Holt

    Volunteer: Treina Aronson

    Web Editor: Nick Bohall

    Newsletter Editor: Steven Butts

    Parliamentarian: Jacob Holt

    Data and Technology: TBD

    Old Business:


    New Business:

    Martha Koester (?) submitted a resolution to oppose Medicare Privatization. ________________ spoke against, Chris Porter spoke for. Moved, seconded and passed

    by acclamation.

    Nick Bohall unveiled new 34th District Website.

    New PCOs appointed:

    Chris Langeler in Precinct 1511

    Ryan Kuehn in Precinct 1499

    Lynn Randal in Precinct 1047

    Good of the Order:

    Rachel Glass spoke about the Women’s March and the West Seattle Democratic Women and Hate Free Delridge sign making party on Sunday, 1/15 at Treina’s house, running from 11am-2pm.

    Lisa Plymate spoke about the Health Care Rally at Westlake Park, also on 1/15

    Ann Martin spoke about the 34ths volunteer efforts at the White Center Food bank, every fourth Wednesday evening.

    Chris Langeler spoke about the benefit concert for the West Seattle Helpline on 1/13 at Alki United Church of Christ.

    Chris Porter spoke again in favor of the Medicare resolution. Warned of a dilution of benefits by incoming administration.

    9:04 Meeting adjourned to Elliott Bay Brewery