11-18-20 Virtual Executive Board Meeting Minutes
https://34dems.org/wp-content/themes/osmosis/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg 150 150 34th Democrats 34th Democrats https://34dems.org/wp-content/themes/osmosis/images/empty/thumbnail.jpgExecutive Board Meeting Minutes
11-18-20 – Held via Zoom conference due to COVID-19.
Attendees: Carla Rogers, Steve Butts, Gina Topp, Rachel Glass, Dawn Rains, Jordan Crawley, Jeff Sbaih, Ben Reilly, Ted Barker, Ann Martin, Karen Richter, Chris Porter, Nick Bonazza, Jeff Sbaih, Max Brown, Art Chippendale
7:05 – Gina called the meeting to order.
Our last executive board meeting! Gina thanked the board for their good work over the past 2 years. Everyone contributed a high or low about the last 2 years.
King County Dems candidates visited the meeting and said a few words. Shasti Conrad is running for reelection. The reorganization is on December 5 and will be online. PCOs will receive a mailed packet with a special code to register for the meetings. Sarah Toce is running for Communications Chair. kcdems.org/reorganization has more information.
7:35pm – Wrap-up reports from committees
- Treasurer – Ben shared the details in the final budget report. We ended the year with approximately $16k to carry forward. We also hired a deputy treasurer. Membership is at ~298 and 126 PCOs. Ben would prefer not to return as Treasurer but he is considering other roles.
- Communications – Carla shared that she is planning to return as communications chair so no transition is needed. Carla is also running for chair. James Moore has joined the committee and is working on the website.
- Legislative Action Committee – Jordan’s activities are complete and he plans to continue his work on LAC next year. Jordan is also running for Second Vice Chair.
- Caucus/Elections – Rachel would like to understand what the caucus/election role will be in the next term. Will we need to fill this role? Rachel wants to continue to be involved in these areas as VC1.
- Outreach – Karen and Steve would like to return as Outreach Co-Chairs. They are already planning when they can resume events after it is safe. They want to start working with the Equity and Social Justice committee for outreach.
- Newsletter – Steve plans to continue his good work on the newsletter.
- PCO – the committee is planning close out and transition. Nick is updating the calendar and binder. Nick is willing to serve again and Max will support. Trey Lykins also wants to help Nick.
- State Committee – State reorg is at the end of January. Ann is not running again but there is one person so far who has announced that she will run – Janine Anzalota. Chris Porter is planning to run again for his current role.
- King County Committee – Max and Martha are not running again. Leah will run for Alternate. Ted will run for King County Committeeperson. No wrap up activities. KCDCC may switch to quarterly meetings next term.
- Bylaws – Art will work with Carla to get some things up on the website. Was hoping to have some. Art doesn’t want
- Finance – Dawn shared that there is not really anything to wrap up. Do we need this committee?
- Membership – would like to have a membership drive immediately in January. Planning to create a cheat sheet for the membership committee. Wants to connect Membership to Outreach and to Diversity.
- Hospitality – not present
- Leadership Development – not present
- Social Justice and Equity Committee – Jeff wants to return in his role. Meeting next week with the committee to talk about goals both short and long term.
- Gina stated that she would be interested in fundraising for the next term.
December Holiday Party
The group discussed ideas for the holiday party/meeting. Elected officials will be at the holiday meeting. Ideas included:
- A thank you holiday postcard to members to be sent
- Raise the paddle for charity – food banks, OneAmerica, SW Youth and Family Services
- Talk about the committees in the break out sessions
Jeff made a motion to donate proceeds to the 3 food banks. Karen Richter seconded, motion passed.
Candidates will have 2 minutes to speak. Slides can be shared as well.
Very few nominations have been submitted for the awards..
Georgia Opportunities
Gina shared that we have volunteer opportunities already on the website. The group discussed whether we would want to hold an event. An event would be helpful to inspire folks to sign up for shifts. Rachel, Ben, Ann and Gina will organize an event.
January Meeting Overview
Our reorganization will be on January 13. KCD will send out instructions on the process. The new chair will handle the rest of the elections.
Good of the Order
Nick thanked Gina for her leadership.
Art talked about how we will need to double down on the work in our next 2 years.
Ann thanked everyone for allowing her to represent us at the state.
8:53pm Adjourned