22-05-11 Membership Meeting Minutes

      150 150 34th Democrats

      22-05-11 Membership Meeting Minutes

      Held virtually via Zoom

      6:30pm Pre-Meeting Program: Post Legislative Session Wrap-up

      • Senator Joe Nguyen and Representative Joe Fitzgibbon spoke and answered questions.

      7:15 pm – Call to Order by Carla Rogers, Chair

      Land and People Acknowledgement – Rachel Glass, First Vice Chair

      Approval of Meeting Agenda

      • Moved for approval by Chris Porter, seconded by Ann Martin. Approved by unanimous consent.

      Minutes from the April Membership Meeting

      • Moved for Approval by Sarah Koch, Seconded by Ann Martin. Approved by unanimous consent.

      Budget and Membership Report

      • Treasurer Julie Whitaker reported on the budget. Income of $1,932.87 was reported, due primarily to July Fundraiser advance ticket sales. Month End Balance is $30,444.71.
      • The end of the fiscal year was April 30, 2022.
      • There are currently 138 paid members, and 101 PCOs post-redistricting.
      • Carla noted that to be able to vote at the June 8th endorsement meeting, new members must sign up by the end of this meeting, and that 2021 members must renew no later than 6pm on June 7, 2022.

      July 14 Fundraiser 

      • Rachel Glass provided information about the “Paint the Night Blue” July 14th fundraiser. There will be alcoholic and non-alcoholic signature “Blue” drinks. There will be a raffle and a “raise the paddle” donation event along with a short program and other activities. Attendees are encouraged to wear blue apparel.


      • Carla Rogers gave State Convention updates:
      • The 34th delegation will consist of 44 people, including elected and automatic delegates.
      • 5 resolutions have been submitted by members; 2 will be sent forward.
      • 39 platform amendments have been presented to the state.
      • She thanked those who volunteered to serve on convention committees: Ann Martin, Rules; Bunny Hatcher, Platform; and Zach Ricketts, Credentials.
      • Pop Up Social May 20, 2022
        • At The Georgetown Liquor Company, 5:30 to 8 pm.
        • KC Executive Dow Constantine will be attending.
      • 34th District State Representative Candidate Forum will be held jointly with the West Seattle Democratic Women.
        • Ann Martin, Chris Porter, Jordan Crawley, and Ted Barker are assisting.
      • Help is needed during the June 8th endorsement meeting. Contact Chair Rogers to volunteer.
      • May board meeting will be Wednesday the 18th.
      • There will be no July meeting.

      Candidate Spotlight

      • Andrea Jarmon, running for King County District Court, SW Division, Position 2
      • Democratic Candidates for 34th Legislative District Representative, Position 1
        • Emily Alvarado
        • Leah Griffin

      Precinct Committee Officer Filing Week

      • PCO Committee Chair Nick Bonazza gave the dates of May 16 – May 20 and described the 2-year term for 2023/2024. He explained the filing process with King County Elections.

      Election for Male/Non-Binary KCDCC Committeeperson

      • Bunny Hatcher moved to nominate Ted Barker. Ann Martin seconded. Ted was elected by voice vote.

      Resolution: To call for an independent study of cost and environmental impacts of a gondola as an alternative to light rail to serve as West Seattle’s link to the Sound Transit system.

      • Bunny Hatcher summarizes the resolution and moves for adoption. Randy Litzenberger seconds
      • Randy speaks in favor of the resolution.
      • Tamsen Spengler speaks against.
        • Tamsen moves to make an amendment to remove language stating the gondola as “34th’s favored option”. Ann Martin seconds.
        • Tamsen speaks for the amendment.
        • Katherine Woolverton speaks against.
        • Chris Porter speaks for.
        • Amendment passes via Zoom show of hands.
      • James Boyle speaks in favor of the resolution as amended.
      • David Kerlick speaks against.
      • Resolution adopted via Zoom Poll. 19 in favor, 14 opposed.

      Resolution: In support of the “Keep Our Care Act”.

      • Bunny Hatcher summarizes the resolution and moves for adoption.
      • Chris Porter seconds.
      • Roxanne Thayer speaks for.
      • Resolution is passed unanimously via Zoom poll.

      2022/2023 Budget

      • Treasurer Julie Whitaker summarizes the budget and moved for adoption.
      • Bunny Hatcher seconds.
      • Budget is adopted via Zoom poll

      Bylaws Revisions

      • Changes include new content, to match current practices, and minor edits for clarity and format
      • Chair Rogers summarizes and reads new content
        • Art Chippendale moves an amendment, Sarah Koch seconds.
        • Amendment is passed via voice vote
      • Chris Porter moves to adopt new Bylaws as amended, Julie Whitaker seconds. Motion to adopt passed via voice vote.
      • Chris Porter moves to adopt changes to the Endorsement Rules Addendum section, Bunny Hatcher seconds. Motion is passed via voice vote.

      Meeting is adjourned at 9:40 pm.