April 13, 2022 – Virtual meeting held via closed ZOOM
Pre-Meeting Program: Choose 180
- Presented by Sean Goode https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCON7J56wtBveqzF0xVywhrg
- Contact sgoode@choose180.org
- Learn more: https://choose180.org/
7:05 pm Call to Order by Chair Carla Rogers
Chair’s Remarks
- Very successful Issues Caucus on March 26th
- Earned 4 additional delegates by meeting affirmative action goals
- Celebrating first black female confirmed to serve in the Supreme Court
Opening Ceremonies
- Land & People Acknowledgement – First Vice Chair Rachel Glass
- VIP Acknowledgements
- Chris Porter spoke on the importance of conservation, farmers, and pollinators
- Eileen Cody spoke about looking forward to the upcoming race to fill her seat
Approval of Tonight’s Agenda and Last Month’s Minutes
- Ann Martin moved and Eileen Cody seconded to approve the agenda. Approved with voice vote.
- Rachel Glass moved and Ann Martin seconded to approve the minutes. Approved with voice vote.
Budget and Membership Reports
- Treasurer Julie Whitaker shared the March budget report.
- Budget increased due to membership renewals and beginning fundraiser ticket sales
- Current membership: 220, including 101 PCOs
- Renew (June 7) or join (May 11) https://34dems.org/contribute/ to participate in endorsements!
- Donate to Change Makes $ense!:
Annual Fundraiser Spotlight
- Paint the Night Blue: July 14, 6-8 pm at Arthur’s in West Seattle
- Buy your ticket tonight and get a t-shirt! https://secure.ngpvan.com/s7IxFM809EGI_IBM2bz4MA2
- Volunteer opportunities available in lieu of purchase, contact Gina Topp ginatopp@gmail.com.
Candidate Spotlight
- Kristin Ballinger https://www.judgeballinger.com/endorsements
- Catherine McDowell catherinemmcdowall@gmail.com
- Adam Eisenberg – electjudgeeisenberg@gmail.com
- Willie Gregory – info@WillieGregoryforJudge.com
- Senator Patty Murray – video presentation
2022 Early Endorsements
- Leah Griffin moved and Rachel Glass seconded to endorse Senator Patty Murray. Leah Griffin spoke for Senator Murray’s endorsement.
- Rachel Glass moved and Chris Porter seconded to endorse Steve Hobbs interim secretary of state. Rachel Glass spoke for Hobbs’ endorsement.
- Both nominations passed by unanimous consent.
Presentation Regarding Gondola Feasibility Study
- Presented by Carrie Avila-Mooney (carrie.avila-mooney@soundtransit.org) and Matt Shelden, Sound Transit
- Learn more: https://www.soundtransit.org/sites/default/files/documents/sound-transit-feasability-report-regarding-aerial-gondola-from-west-seattle-20220407.pdf
Presentation Against Privation of Medicare
- Resolution to Stop Privatizing Our Medicare System, Presented by Karen Richter & David McLanahan, PSARA
- Learn more: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Cdn_sXrWqrKybyjhcQMcBKv8iu_t3GQ4/edit
- Questions? Contact kerichter100@gmail.com
- Bunny Hatcher moved to adopt the resolution as presented. Sarah Koch seconded.
- Voting by Zoom Poll, with results 100% in favor of support.
- Convention preparation is underway
- Met Affirmative Action Goals (only 5 districts in the state met goals)
- Deadlines –
- Submit Platform Amendments by Saturday 4/16, midnight
- Deadline for Resolution submission will be ~ May 6
- Pop Up Social – April 22, 5:30 – 8, The Bridge (6301 California Ave.)
- Endorsements Committee needs volunteers for supporting technical needs, such as Zoom, Google
- Next meeting is May 11, 6:30pm pre-meeting program is the Bylaws and Endorsement Review
- Next board meeting is April 20, 7-8:30 (Zoom)
Presentation on Ranked Choice Voting
- Sam Perera & Kit Muehlman of FairVoteWashington
- Learn more: https://fairvotewa.org/ and https://www.mobilize.us/fairvotewa/
Good of the Order
- Soleil Lewis: Please check out the 34th LD Social Justice and Equity — Discussion w/African American Writers
- Topic: 34th LD Social Justice and Equity Discussion w/ African American Authors Alliance
- Time: Apr 14, 2022 05:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
- Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83032619482?pwd=UlhPVG1HbzVYS1lBQldnUVBLM0lJdz09
- Meeting ID: 830 3261 9482
- Passcode: 4UWkSL
- Ann Martin: The West Seattle Democratic Women will have our legislative representatives Joe F. and Eileen and maybe Senator Nguyen at our April 28 meeting. Interested? Email martinhtam@gmail.com.
- Aaron Garcia: Highline School District School Board recruiting applicants for the District 5 seat, due to a resignation. Anyone who lives in District 5 and is a registered voter in Washington State is eligible to fill this seat. Current District 5 boundaries and schools can be found on our District 5 web page. Learn more here district5@highlineschools.org and here https://www.highlineschools.org/about/school-board/director-district-5-application?fbclid=IwAR3onDoMhwtiNlOAc-8IAgbUKturtD-xt0Xf1maMCYvXAlt5tbaKAIlVWQA
Adjourned at 9:08 by Carla Rogers, Chair