09/18/19 Executive Board Meeting Minutes

      09/18/19 Executive Board Meeting Minutes

      150 150 34th Democrats

      Board Meeting Minutes


      Attendees: Carla Rogers, Karen Richter, Les Treall, Dawn Rains, Jordan Crawley, Steve Butts, Gina Topp, Nick Bonazza, Ann Martin, Rachel Glass, Art Chippendale, DeLancey Lane, Leah Griffin, Jesse Greene, Ben Reilly, Chris Porter

      7:05 Calendar through the end of 2020

      • Bylaws and Code of Conduct are not yet ready for review by the board. 

      7:07 Seattle Green Spaces Coalition

      Martin Westerman shared a presentation with the board about the recent history of Seattle’s greenspaces and the coalition’s intent to place a value on the city’s greenspaces (turning greenspace into an asset for the city). Marty is asking for our support in encouraging the funding of a consultant. Seattle would be the first to undertake this approach. The group asked for a resolution to be drafted for consideration.

      7:34 Resolution Process

      • Resolution submitted
      • If board approves to go to membership, LAC will do an analysis (interpretation) of the resolution to be shared at the membership meeting. 
      • LAC discusses resolution with the sponsor.
      • Analysis to be shared in a non-biased fashion to the membership. Factual, not opinion or conclusion.
      • Analysis will also be posted to web/social.

      Good feedback was collected after the first use of the process during the last meeting. Ann was concerned the analysis shared last month was too detailed. Ben suggested a high level summary. Carla suggested that Jordan consider doing a summary level read for the membership, and have the details on the tables at the meeting.

      7:48 Executive Board Meeting location needs to change for October and November. We will not have a board meeting in December. October meeting will be at Ann’s home and November will be at Carla’s house.

      7:50 Continue discussion of calendar through the end of 2020

      October program is climate change – Rachel is organizing. 

      November will be the Town Hall with Legislative Updates from Joe N, Eileen Cody and Joe F.

      December program will be the holiday party, organized by Jacqui.. No business. We need to form an ad hoc awards committee.

      January program will be bylaws and code of conduct. (Chris’ Racism program added at the end of the meeting.)

      February program will be Immigration.

      PCO Popcorn Party will be held in February.

      March 10 is the Primary and March 26 is the Caucus.  The March program will be about delegate selection process and expectations of being a delegate.

      We will continue to plan for a “Non-Profit Speed Dating” program. Those with connections to non-profits will own an invitation to participate as we get closer. Rachel, Gina and Carla will continue planning this and a date will be confirmed in the near future.

      8:07 Committee Reports

      • Treasurer/Membership – continued issues with members not getting into NGP. A solution has been defined for this going forward.
      • Settlement for Glen Morgan was submitted and there has been no response yet..
      • Fundraising – DeLancey shared planning options. The group approved July 25 as the date of the 2020 fundraiser, before the local primary. Theme ideas will be debated in Slack.
      • PCO – Nick shared that we have appointed 21 PCOs since January. Nick shared some of his goals for the coming year including PCO mentors. We will hold a PCO recruiting event in February. 
      • Outreach – Karen and Steve talked about their last event of the year coming up on the 28th (adopt-a-street). Voter registration goal was met this year! 
      • Communications – Carla proposed that we buy a tripod for use at the meetings to live stream on Facebook. Group approved $75 for the tripod. Councilmember Bagshaw and candidate Pugel responded to the endorsement for the Tree Protection Ordinance. Lindsey Schomer will join the Comms Committee to support Instagram.
      • Caucus – Rachel and DeLancey will tour 3 venues for the Caucus. Volunteers are coming forward. 
      • State Committee – Chris and Ann are going to Yakima for the state party meeting next weekend. Code of Conduct will be decided. 
      • King County Dems – No report.
      • Legislative Action – Gina and Jordan have been working on a bill for the State Party. Change the current law to have all PCO candidates to be on the ballot whether they are opposed or not. Discussion was held. This will be a cost-focused issue. 

      8:42 Sample Ballot

      The group discussed having a sample ballot to distribute at the October meeting. Group agreed that we do want to pursue this and will confirm goals/plans outside the meeting. 

      8:56 Good of the Order

      Reminder that October Executive Board meeting will be held at Ann’s house. 

      Chris brought up the topic of racism and would like to have a program. Chris will work on a program about race for January.

      Art mentioned that Friday is the kick off of Strike for Climate.

      Jesse and Nick will bring forward a plan for the PCO recruitment party.

      9:10 Adjourn