07-17-19 Board Meeting Minutes

      07-17-19 Board Meeting Minutes

      150 150 34th Democrats

      Board Meeting Minutes


      Attendees: Carla Rogers, Karen Richter, Les Treall, Ben Reilly, Dawn Rains, Jordan Crawley, Ann Martin, Marcee Stone-Vecich, Nick Bonazza, Steve Butts, Leah Griffin, Chris Porter

      7:10 Updates from Committees

      • Sofia opened the meeting (Gina had a work emergency). 
      • All discussion of the endorsement meeting was tabled until the August meeting. 
      • Good turn out for the Burien Parade. 

      Steve gave an update from the Outreach Committee. Discussed past events and results and those upcoming. Need people to walk in the upcoming parades. Need to publish events to the membership via email in the future. 

      Nick Bonazza gave an update from the PCO Committee. Training ended but new PCOs will be trained individually.  Canvass events will be held on the 20th and 21st in WS and in Burien. UCFW will be phone banking on August 29th.

      Ann mentioned that she and Chris Porter are  working on the state Code of Conduct. 

      Chris spoke about the 34th Code of Conduct activities upcoming. The state is talking about having a requirement to have each LD have its own Code of Conduct or they will inherit the state’s version. The adoption of a Code of Conduct for the state will be done at the September meeting. Chris is recruiting for a couple additional members of the Code of Conduct meeting. Proposal is to present a draft to the Board in August and then a final draft to the membership in October. We will need to have a draft published for review by Sept 29th.

      The Leadership Development Committee report was provided by Les Treal. Les has talked to 3 possible recruits.

      Dawn Rains asked that everyone share the debate parties on social media (share the events on our Facebook page).  

      Carla Rogers shared an update from the Communications Committee. She is hoping to recruit Maggie who will be responsible for the monthly communications plan. This will drive our communications across the web and social media.

      Rachel will chair the August meeting and provide the program. Need to have Allan Munro sit at the front table for support since Gina and Sofia will be out. 

      A discussion about the use of our membership email was held. The group agreed that it would be prudent to have a couple people with access to the NGP email system. 

      August Program (Gina will be absent from the August meeting)

      Rachel Glass is in charge of the program. We need details for the website and facebook. 

      Will need to determine who will handle the agenda, call and newsletter for August. 

      8:00 Good of the order

      Delridge Day is Aug 10, we will have a booth. 

      Derek Birnie passed away this morning. 

      ICE Detention Center (immigrant was apprehended) story was shared by Marcee. This subject opened up conversation about possible board initiatives and programming around immigration, or other hot topics for the district. We would like to have future programming linked to some of the hot topics. Ben suggested that we might consider doing a resolution about detention centers.

      Sofia asked if there was a follow up from the Green New Deal. The chair should send an email with our  resolution to our electeds: Lorena G, Lisa H, Joe N, Eileen, Joe M and Dow to suggest that it be considered.

      District 1 organization has asked Chris to emcee 2 September debates for the primary winners. (Sept 14 at Duwamish Long House and Sept 28 at High Point Neighborhood House.)

      8:30 Adjourned