Weekly Actions: Week 11

150 150 34th Democrats

Urgent Actions

  • Pramila Jayapal Town Hall!  Vashon High School Theater!

General Actions

General Information
Vashon-Activism (get local – join a team)


  • Call or Write Gov’s Jay Inslee, Kate Brown and Jerry Brown for their joint statement on the Clean Power Plan:
    • Last week, governors along the West Coast issued a joint statement supporting the Clean Power Plan – a policy put in place by President Obama to initiate a national transition away from coal powered-electricity – in anticipation of action by President Trump that would either withdraw or rewrite the plan.
    • The statement takes a stand against the president possibly weakening standards that protect air quality and reduce carbon emissions.
    • “Any attacks on the Clean Power Plan would move our nation in the wrong direction and put American prosperity at risk. Climate change is one of our greatest threats, from more wildfires threatening our homes and communities to ocean acidification rocking our shellfish industry to drought hurting our farmers,” part of the statement reads. “Too much is at stake – from our health and safety to our jobs and livelihoods – for us to move backwards.”
      • Jay Inslee: Office of the Governor, PO Box 40002, Olympia, WA 98504-0002 / Phone: 360-902-4111
      • Kate Brown: Governor Kate Brown, State Capitol Building, 900 Court Street NE, 160, Salem, OR 97301 / Phone: (503) 378-4582
      • Jerry Brown:  Governor Jerry Brown, c/o State Capitol, Suite 1173, Sacramento, CA 95814 / Phone: (916) 445-2841
  • Mayor Ed Murray, and others, for suing the Trump administration to preserve Sanctuary City rights:
    • “Seattle will argue that an executive order by President Donald Trump violates the Constitution by trying to make local governments enforce federal immigration law.”
    • Praise:
      • Write or call Mayor Ed Murray:  PO Box 94749, Seattle, Wa  98124-4749, Phone: 206-684-4000
      • Write or call Seattle City Attorney Pete Holmes:  701 5th Ave, Suite 2050, Seattle, Wa  98104-7097 / Phone: 206-684-8200
      • Encourage King County to join the lawsuit:  Write or call King Co Executive Dow Constantine:
      • King Co Chinook Bldg, 401 5th Ave, #800, Seattle, Wa  98104 / Phone:  206-263-9600
  • Pat yourself on the back – Steve Bannon removed from Principles Committee of the National Security Council!
    • More to be done to oppose him, but the trend is looking good!
  • Thank your Senators for stepping up for a wild Arctic Refuge!

Election Actions

Electoral College Repeal
  • No actions this week
Instant Runoff  Voting
  • No actions this week
Return US House and Senate to Democratic Control
  • No actions this week

Climate & Environment Actions

The Environment
Climate Change
  • No actions this week

Civil Rights Actions

Anti-Hate Actions
  • No actions this week
Criminal Justice Reform
  • No actions this week
Preserving Democracy & Justice
Racial Justice & Black Lives Matter
  • No actions this week
Women’s Rights
LGBTQ Rights
  • No actions this week

Healthcare Actions

Financial Actions

Economy/Income Inequality
  • No actions this week
Get Big Money Out of Politics
  • No actions this week

Gun Safety Actions

  • No actions this week

Education Actions

Foreign Policy/Defense Actions

  • Petition – Secretary of Defense James Mattis publicly explain Donald Trump’s war plans in the Middle East to the American public: (Hmmm – looks like the Win Without War team has good anticipation – this petition came out a few days before the Syria cruise missile strike)
  • Petition – Remove Nunes from the House Intelligence Committee / Appoint a special prosecutor (this is now a national defense issue – this step has also occurred!  Congratulations!):

Miscellaneous Actions

  • No actions this week

Photo of the Week

Pond image
Contact Elected Officials

Find your elected officials here!

Regarding petitions:  To amplify your voice on any petition, contact by phone or email the person the petition is intended for.  Phone calls have more impact than emails.