34th District Democrats
Meeting Minutes
February 8, 2017
Meeting Called To Order at 7:00pm
Chair David Ginsberg thanked everyone for coming, and made a short address as to the purpose of evening’s panel. Spoke to the importance of the PCO. Talked about the upcoming Lobby Day, and asked for donations to help cover the expenses for the students that were attending. Announced that a Fundraiser for County Executive Dow Constantine would be holding a campaign fundraiser on February 23rd at the Hall at Fauntleroy. Advised that the Annual Party Crab Feed had been moved and would be taking place on March 5th.
Flag Salute
Report from the Treasurer – As of the beginning of the evening, $10,039.03 on hand.
Approval of Agenda voted on and passed by the Membership.
Panel Discussion – “How To Resist Trump And Protect What We Hold Dear”
Binah Palmer from the American Civil Liberties Union of Washington
Judy Lightfoot from Indivisible Seattle
Monisha Harrell from Equal Rights Washington
Amirah Mirziteh from the Greater Seattle Neighborhood Action Coalition
Aneelah Afzali from the Muslim Association of Puget Sound/American Muslim Empowerment Network
Moderator: Michael Taylor Judd
The Panel Discussion was followed by questions from the audience.
After the end of the Q&A, there was a short recess.
Meeting was called back to order at 8:30.
Kyle Prete and Brooks Salazar were presented as candidates for Data and Technology Chair and PCO Chair respectively, and were voted on and unanimously approved by the membership.
Chair appointed Bill Jarcho PCO of Quartermaster Precinct of Vashon Island. Bill had to leave early to catch his ferry.
Stu Yarfitz presented a resolution on HB 1372 “Goals for Greenhouse Gases Emission Reductions”.
Stu’s resolution would further limit emissions than the current bill does. Anne Phillips asked if it was the same bill that Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon had presented that had already been passed out of committee, Stu demurred, but admitted that his resolution would probably not pass out of committee and might be moot in light of Rep. Fitzgibbon’s bill. Grace Stiller spoke for it, Lisa Plymate spoke against it and suggested that it might be reworded. Chair moved to table the resolution so that Stu could reword it.
Kathy Marshal presented 16 candidates for PCO, 9 Appointed and 7 Acting. They were unanimously approved.
Stu Yarfitz presented a second resolution supporting HB 1048 “Renewable Energy Tax Incentives and Recycling”. Chris Porter asked if it conflicted with any items in the Governor’s Budget, Stu said that he did not think so. Peggy Tlapak spoke for it and it was Moved, Seconded and Approved by the membership.
Old Business was tabled for the next meeting in the interests of time.
New Business – Carrie Alexander presented the new logos and branding for the 34th LD. They were Moved, Seconded and Approved by the membership.
Good of the Order – Chris Porter urged the membership to support Planned Parenthoods effort to husband Birth Control methods against any shortages or reductions caused by the new administration.
Treasurer Gina Topp reported that 85 new members had signed up that night and that about $3,000 had been raised.
Annie Phillips informed the membership of the inaugural meeting of Indivisble Burien that would be occurring the next night.
Steve Butts spoke about the need for Volunteers at Lobby Day.
Jacqui Morris informed the membership about Uber President Travis Kalanick’s pledge of 3 Million dollars to help Uber drivers affected by the administrations Muslim Ban, along with the establishment of a 24/7 legal advice service.
Marcee Stone-Vekich congratulated the membership on a great meeting, and wondered why there were no union members on the panel. She urged that the membership support them in their efforts against a proposed State Bill that would further extend “Right to Work” rules that are being advanced by Kevin Baumgardner from the 6th District in Spokane.
Carrie Alexander informed the membership about Our Revolution King County.
Chair David Ginsberg informed the membership about Indivisible West Seattle’s meetings with the Murray and Cantwell staffs at their offices at the Federal Building every Tuesday at 1:00.
Heather Engel informed the membership that an Indivisble White Center chapter was in the process of forming.
Les Treall extended on a panel members remarked and said that “Life Begins At The End Of Your Comfort Zone.
Meeting adjourned to Whiskey West.