July E-Board Meeting Minutes

July E-Board Meeting Minutes

150 150 34th Democrats

July E-Board Meeting Minutes

34 th District Democrats
E-Board Meeting
Puget Ridge Common House

  • Meeting called to order at 7:06 by Chair David Ginsberg
  • Chair Report
    • Chair provided an update on Glen Morgan filings. Advised that we might be delivered a
      lawsuit in the near future, and that the State Party has strongly advised that the E-Board purchase
      insurance, preferably ASAP. David, Treina, and Gina will be taking training to learn how to defend
      against and prevent future suits. Public Disclosure Laws allow complaints and are retroactive for 5 years.
      These suits are expensive and time consuming, they could possibly bankrupt a smaller LD. Board
      Insurance will help mitigate this risk. In addition, the State Party is forbidden to provide insurance for
      this purpose because they have a different tax I.D than we do. P.D.C. forms should be self-audited and if
      an error is found, we must self-report. The Chair, the Vice Chair and the Treasurer should review the
      PDC’s. Blue Wave will help with compliance review services. Board Insurance will cost about $2500.00
      Directors and Officers would be protected from liability under the insurance. It was mentioned that the
      County used to cover liability, David will check on that.
  • Committee Reports:
    • King County
      • Posted Endorsements. Insurance re: Glen Morgan discussed.
    • Outreach
      • Karen and Steve report that the Burien Parade was GREAT. Thanks to Pramila
        Jayapal and the 33rd ! The 34th was warmly received.
      • Dow, Bob Hasegawa, and John Calkins will be marching with us on Saturday, and Ted will head
        up parade prep efforts that day.
      • Steve expressed some concerns about the White Center Jubilee Sunday, attendance is
        sometimes “sparse” that day.
      • The West Seattle Summerfest was “not great” this year. We did not have a booth.
      • Our Adopt a Street Clean-up event will be Saturday, 8/5 at 10 a.m. We will meet at 16 th and
      • Delridge Day is coming up on the 12 th .
      • The White Center Food Bank Picnic and Block Party will be Saturday, August 26 th .
        An email will go out to membership to remind them of parades and events this weekend.
    • Volunteer
      • 72 people in the committee, however, there has not been a lot of response lately.
      • The volunteer page on the website gets the most participation.
      • Logistics for the Resist and Persist Carnival discussed. What program did 3 Dollar Bill Cinema
        use? Drink wristbands and attendant insurance discussed. Liability insurance will cover Dram
        Shop issues. Boars Nest BBQ in Ballard will provide the BBQ. Possibly get South Seattle
        Community College Culinary Program involved next year? LD Picnic date discussed. 9/23.
    • Digital Communications
      • Thanks to Treina for the use of her hotspot. Some of the videos have hundreds of views, and there is some vigorous discussion in the comments. Lynne needs someone to cover the August meeting, as she is unable to attend. She is trying to make our messaging more accessible to the differently abled. Next meeting will be 8/3 at the Burien Library, 7 p.m.
      • Congratulations!
      • E-Board should have posting and Admin privileges across the Social Media platforms. Lynne
        would like further discussion on what our Social Media “voice” should be. Board reminded to
        cross-post on their personal pages. She would like to try to generate a social media schedule.
    • Legislative Action
      • Legislature still in session!
    • Bylaws
      • Discussions are starting now that the endorsement season is winding down
    • Hospitality
      • Kate and Sean had dinner and a discussion with Pat Thompson from the White
        Center Yes Foundation.
    • Membership
      • Joy does not have access to see which members are PCO. Suggestion is made to check the King County website. Les asked how many PCOs there were, David will need to ask Brooks. Ann suggests that in the future, credential reports should be given before any votes are taken.
  • No Unfinished Business.
  • New Business:
    • What about trying to get State AG Bob Ferguson to a future meeting? He could speak about how Washington is Leading the Resistance.
    • August program will include endorsements, in some cases re-endorsements. Hopefully we will get a legislative recap.
    • At the August meeting or possibly in September, David would like each committee to present a short report/update/check-in to the membership. Hopefully, these reports may increase membership involvement, and will let the membership know where help may be needed. Going forward, a couple of committee reports each meeting will get each of them in front of the membership twice a year.
  • Good of the Order:
    • **************** DAVID GETTING MARRIED ON SEPTEMBER 30 th ! **********************
    • The West Seattle Democratic Women will be showing “Chasing Coral” on Thursday at the West Seattle Golf Course.
    • The West Seattle Chamber will be holding a Mayoral Forum in Youngstown tomorrow at 6:15.
    • 60-65 people attended the Light Rail Design meeting that was held at Fauntleroy Hall last
    • Reminder of the Digital Communications meeting on 8/3.
    • P.D.C. training on 8/12 at 9 a.m…
  • 8:53 Adjourned.