34th Dems Board Meeting Minutes
January 19, 2022 – Virtual meeting held via closed ZOOM
7:03 pm – Call to Order by Chair Carla Rogers
x | Carla Rogers | x | Bunny Hatcher | ||
x | Steven Butts | x | Colleen Hinton | ||
x | Aaron Garcia Virgen | x | Sarah Koch | x | Sara Smith |
x | Rachel Glass | Chris Porter | x | Gina Topp | |
x | Leah Griffin | Karen Richter | x | Julie Whitaker | |
x | Trey Lykins | x | Nick Bonazza | ||
x | Deena Ledger | x | Roxanne Thatcher |
Welcome & Reminder of Social Contract
Review of Agenda and Minutes
- November’s minutes approved by voice vote
- Agenda for tonight approved by voice vote
Announcements & Upcoming Dates
- Still no chair for Fundraising & Events committee, will be asking people to do tasks for the upcoming fundraiser.
- Board is suffering resignations, including Dawn (community outreach; making connections to other orgs and internally within our organization) whose job has taken even more of her time; Norman is moving out of the district so will not continue as KCDCC rep primary position. Please help recruit!
- Membership and hospitality also need support.
- SJE Chair – Jeff is stepping away due to family commitments
- Caucus and Elections chair Colleen likely lost to redistricting but will work on the upcoming caucus
- Rachel is very comfortable reaching out to people to recruit if we have suggestions
- Gina volunteered to chair the fundraising and events committee if we do the event in person.
- We may convert some 34th committees to be ad-hoc/special committees, not standing committees, so not required to participate in board meetings.
Seattle Approves Campaign
- New campaign presentation by Bunny Hatcher
- Efrain Hudnell wants support for ‘Approval’ voting, which is different from single choice voting or ranked choice, you’d only vote ‘approve’ or ‘disapprove’ each candidate; Effrain stated there was concern in his district, but it’s not clear which district he represents. He feels this is a simpler method. It would only impact primaries and it would only affect Seattle. Three cities including Fargo, North Dakota have moved to this method. Would potentially require a change in State Law. Bunny will invite him to the March 16th board zoom meeting to provide more information https://seattleapproves.org/.
- Redistricting continues, and there is a lawsuit in the works in the lower courts (United States District Court
Western District of Washington, Case No.: 3:22-Cv-5035, Complaint for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief)
- Please VOLUNTEER if you have an hour here or there. (Leah Griffin volunteered to do Twitter).
- Proposed Updates to our Bylaws and Endorsement rules will be in our next meeting.
- We will have an in-person Board meeting in February.
- Caucus format can be online. Anticipating virtual caucus March 26th (State will provide instructions soon.)
- GREAT pre-meeting program in January.
2021 34th Dems Executive Board Retrospective
Board members participated in a retrospective (good and to be improved) for 2021 year.
Name | Things that went well in 2021 |
Colleen |
Membership meetings on Zoom, endorsement meeting, Burien Canvas events, holiday service project, caucus work, esp EELU, programming |
Julie | Zoom meetings and dealing with technology, programs |
Nick | PCO specific: Burien work, Minivan!, Voter turnout, training, 1 to 1 communication with PCOs |
Sara S | Zoom meetings (allowing people to talk and share) |
Sarah K | Endorsement meeting |
Trey | Made it easy to be a member, endorsement voting, enhanced the data collected on the membership form (demos), migration to NGP8 |
Leah | Service Project, Pop Up Socials |
Steve | MPCs, programs, videos of meetings (YouTube!) |
Gina | Voting system, Burien, financial situation |
Aaron | Pop Up Social, Service Project |
Bunny | Endorsement process/mtg |
Rachel | Burien effort, endorsement meeting, service project |
Name | Things that should be done differently in 2022 |
Colleen | More volunteers in Burien, more volunteers in canvassing and campaigns, tap into people who are highly motivated to work in other districts or states (less democratic) |
Julie | Make sure we cover all the business issues first (we are rushing through business) |
Nick | Involve more PCOs in outreach activities, help with vote builder lists (data team), PCO to PCO contacts to build communities (get them working together and mentoring), more Voter Registration |
Sara | Meetings are long |
Sarah K | More participation in canvassing |
Trey | Recruit committee members |
Leah | Trim down time spent on Resolutions (only ones with policy goals) |
Steve | More outreach (COVID), worked well with the 33rd, problems with the website, need to increase Twitter posts, get PCOs more involved with voter reg |
Bunny | High membership: Call new members, contribute more earlier |
Rachel | Low attendance at some programs |
Name | What one thing do you want to do differently in your role in 2022 |
Colleen | Recruit a replacement for role, Recruit committee members, help recruit other volunteers |
Julie | Become more capable with technology, patience during learning |
Nick | above |
Sara S | Talk more! Participate in a different way. |
Sarah K | PCO – do more canvassing |
Trey | work on diversity data |
Leah | Pick up the flair in KCDCC report |
Steve | Do more with neighboring districts (11th…), more Voter registration |
Gina | Convert members (who just did endorsement) to participate |
Aaron | Figure out ways to connect work with School district to 34th |
Bunny | Get involved earlier, being more active, get better at tech |
Rachel | Find ways to get people more excited and motivated about the midterms, more service projects! Maybe no programs |
- Carla asked for flexibility from the board to accommodate a work trip. The board agreed to a Feb 23rd board meeting instead of the 16th.
8: 35 Adjourned by Carla Rogers, Chair