January 19, 2022 Executive Board Meeting Minutes

400 300 34th Democrats

34th Dems Board Meeting Minutes

January 19, 2022 – Virtual meeting held via closed ZOOM

7:03 pm – Call to Order by Chair Carla Rogers 


x Carla Rogers x Bunny Hatcher
x Steven Butts x Colleen Hinton
x Aaron Garcia Virgen x Sarah Koch x Sara Smith
x Rachel Glass Chris Porter x Gina Topp
x Leah Griffin Karen Richter x Julie Whitaker
x Trey Lykins x Nick Bonazza
x Deena Ledger x Roxanne Thatcher

Welcome & Reminder of Social Contract

Review of Agenda and Minutes 

  • November’s minutes approved by voice vote
  • Agenda for tonight approved by voice vote

Announcements & Upcoming Dates 

  • Still no chair for Fundraising & Events committee, will be asking people to do tasks for the upcoming fundraiser. 
  • Board is suffering resignations, including Dawn (community outreach; making connections to other orgs and internally within our organization) whose job has taken even more of her time; Norman is moving out of the district so will not continue as KCDCC rep primary position. Please help recruit!
  • Membership and hospitality also need support. 
  • SJE Chair – Jeff is stepping away due to family commitments 
  • Caucus and Elections chair Colleen likely lost to redistricting but will work on the upcoming caucus
  • Rachel is very comfortable reaching out to people to recruit if we have suggestions
  • Gina volunteered to chair the fundraising and events committee if we do the event in person.
  • We may convert some 34th committees to be ad-hoc/special committees, not standing committees, so not required to participate in board meetings. 

Seattle Approves Campaign 

  • New campaign presentation by Bunny Hatcher 
  • Efrain Hudnell wants support for ‘Approval’ voting, which is different from single choice voting or ranked choice, you’d only vote ‘approve’ or ‘disapprove’ each candidate; Effrain stated there was concern in his district, but it’s not clear which district he represents.  He feels this is a simpler method.  It would only impact primaries and it would only affect Seattle.  Three cities including Fargo, North Dakota have moved to this method. Would potentially require a change in State Law.  Bunny will invite him to the March 16th board zoom meeting to provide more information https://seattleapproves.org/


  • Redistricting continues, and there is a lawsuit in the works in the lower courts (United States District Court

Western District of Washington, Case No.: 3:22-Cv-5035, Complaint for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief)

  • Please VOLUNTEER if you have an hour here or there. (Leah Griffin volunteered to do Twitter). 
  • Proposed Updates to our Bylaws and Endorsement rules will be in our next meeting. 
  • We will have an in-person Board meeting in February.
  • Caucus format can be online. Anticipating virtual caucus March 26th (State will provide instructions soon.) 
  • GREAT pre-meeting program in January. 

2021 34th Dems Executive Board Retrospective
Board members participated in a retrospective (good and to be improved) for 2021 year.

Name Things that went well in 2021

Membership meetings on Zoom, endorsement meeting, Burien Canvas events, holiday service project, caucus work, esp EELU, programming

Julie Zoom meetings and dealing with technology, programs
Nick PCO specific: Burien work, Minivan!, Voter turnout, training, 1 to 1 communication with PCOs
Sara S Zoom meetings (allowing people to talk and share)
Sarah K Endorsement meeting
Trey Made it easy to be a member, endorsement voting, enhanced the data collected on the membership form (demos), migration to NGP8
Leah Service Project, Pop Up Socials
Steve MPCs, programs, videos of meetings (YouTube!)
Gina Voting system, Burien, financial situation
Aaron Pop Up Social, Service Project
Bunny Endorsement process/mtg
Rachel Burien effort, endorsement meeting, service project


Name Things that should be done differently in 2022
Colleen More volunteers in Burien, more volunteers in canvassing and campaigns, tap into people who are highly motivated to work in other districts or states (less democratic)
Julie Make sure we cover all the business issues first (we are rushing through business)
Nick Involve more PCOs in outreach activities, help with vote builder lists (data team), PCO to PCO contacts to build communities (get them working together and mentoring), more Voter Registration
Sara Meetings are long
Sarah K More participation in canvassing
Trey Recruit committee members
Leah Trim down time spent on Resolutions (only ones with policy goals)
Steve More outreach (COVID), worked well with the 33rd, problems with the website, need to increase Twitter posts, get PCOs more involved with voter reg
Bunny High membership: Call new members, contribute more earlier
Rachel Low attendance at some programs


Name What one thing do you want to do differently in your role in 2022
Colleen  Recruit a replacement for role, Recruit committee members, help recruit other volunteers
Julie Become more capable with technology, patience during learning
Nick above
Sara S Talk more! Participate in a different way.
Sarah K PCO – do more canvassing 
Trey work on diversity data
Leah Pick up the flair in KCDCC report
Steve Do more with neighboring districts (11th…), more Voter registration
Gina Convert members (who just did endorsement) to participate
Aaron Figure out ways to connect work with School district to 34th
Bunny Get involved earlier, being more active, get better at tech
Rachel Find ways to get people more excited and motivated about the midterms, more service projects! Maybe no programs


    • Carla asked for flexibility from the board to accommodate a work trip. The board agreed to a Feb 23rd board meeting instead of the 16th.

8: 35 Adjourned by Carla Rogers, Chair