Membership & Hospitality Committee

Chair: J. Seeley
The Membership and Hospitality Committee recruits new members, fosters retention of existing members of the Organization, and manages member information and data. The Membership Committee shall serve as the credentialing body for regular and special meetings, and shall certify which members have voting rights at such meetings. The Membership and Hospitality Committee will assist with the voting process within any online meetings which require it.
The Committee supports the social life of the organization by making meetings a welcoming place for all members, their families, and guests, including staffing a welcoming table and providing refreshments, when planned. The Committee handles creation and distribution of name tags for any in-person events. The Committee plans the December Holiday party.
The 34th District Democrats value inclusion, and welcome members regardless of ability to pay. If you’d like to join but you’re unable to contribute at this time, we will make an accommodation, please contact our Membership Chair.
We are looking enthusiastic people to make our members, new and old, feel welcomed to the 34th. Join us!
Other Committees
Bylaws & Rules Committee
Caucus & Elections Committee
Communications & Technology Committee
Endorsements & Resolutions Committee
Fundraising & Events Committee
Membership & Hospitality Committee
Outreach & Visibility Committee
Platform & Legislative Action Committee
Precinct Leadership Committee
Programs & Community Partnerships Committee