09-16-20 Executive Board Meeting Minutes

      400 300 34th Democrats

      Executive Board Meeting Minutes

      09-16-20 – Held via Zoom conference due to COVID-19.

      Attendees: Carla Rogers, Steve Butts, Gina Topp, Rachel Glass, Les Treall, Dawn Rains, Jordan Crawley, Art Chippendale Jeff Sbaih, Ben Reilly, Ted Barker, Ann Martin, Karen Richter, Chris Porter, Max Brown, Dawn Rains

      Guests: Marcee Stone-Vekich, Trey Lykins, Jim Street, Erin Jones

      7:02 Gina called the meeting to order.  The board introduced themselves to our guest speakers. 

      7:10 Chris introduced Erin Jones who provided a presentation entitled Addressing Systemic Racism and How to Take Action. Erin provided a long list of recommended resources on the topic.

      To become more equitable in your practice, you are going to need to listen/watch/read something related to equity at least 4-5 times a week (just like what is required to stay physically fit). Here are some suggestions: Reading: anything by authors Dr.  Beverly Tatum, Zaretta Hammond, Ibram X Kendi, Jason Reynolds, Kathy Obear, Richard Rothstein, Michelle Alexander, or Dr. Christopher Emdin; New York Times “The 1619 Project” Podcasts: Revisionist History, Code Switch, This American Life, Words Matter, Teaching While White, 1619 Project, Nice White People, Calling Justice, Seeing White, Facing Ourselves, Speaking of Racism, Throughline; Christian: Pass the Mic, Quick to LIsten, Truth’s Table Watch:  TV: This is Us, Black-ish, The Red Line, Black Earth Rising, When They See Us; Black Lightning, Watchmen, Self Made, Black-ish, Dear White People; Film: The Hate U Give, Emanuel, Hello, Privilege. It’s Me, Chelsea, Cracking the Codes, 13th, Just Mercy, Selma

      8:21 Gina introduced Jim Street from the 43rd LD who shared information about the Climate Advocates’ Collaboration Hub. Jim invited a representative from the 34th to join this group in their advocacy actions. Email streetjim2@gmail.com if you are interested in getting involved. Ann Martin made a motion to ask the Legislative Action Committee, in concert with Karen Richter and her role to make a recommendation on how we night engage with this organization. Chris Porter seconded the motion. Ann spoke for her motion. The board voted and the motion passed. Gina will connect Jim and Jordan. 

      8:48 Gina provided a reminder of the 34th Calendar overview for the rest of the year. 

      There are only 2 more ‘working’ months as a board. Code of Conduct and Resolutions are still outstanding. We also need to consider a spend-down, which would need to be voted on by the membership in October. 

      • Jordan advocated for us to designate time for Code of Conduct. He also shared that we have 4 remaining resolutions, 3 of which are internally driven. 
      • Jesse mentioned that we should not spend a lot of the remaining budget money because we may be hampered in raising funds next year due to COVID. Jesse also agreed with Jordan on the CoC. 
      • Chris agreed on CoC priority. 
      • Gina shared a proposed meeting agenda. 
      • Others commented. 
      • Discussion transitioned to how we would handle the budget overage.
      • Carla shared her research on costs for a postcard printing which could be provided to PCOs for distribution. 
      • Ann Martin moved and Carla seconded that we take a recommendation to the membership in September for spending as follows: $3000 (communications effort TBD), $1000 R90, $2500 Tarleton campaign, $2500 Senate campaign, $2500 House campaign, $2500 Treasurer Mike Pelliciotti campaign. 
        • The board voted and the motion passed. 

      Gina opened the floor for continued discussion about the resolutions process, opened by guest Marcee Stone-Vekich. Discussion was held. 

      Ann signaled a push back on Jordan’s belief that it is not our place to make changes to submitted resolutions. 

      Jesse made a motion to vote to add the Maury Island resolution to the agenda in October as presented, Steve seconded. Jesse spoke to his motion. Motion passed, the resolution will be added to the agenda. Ann moved that the board take the resolution to the membership with no recommendation. Carla seconded. Chris called the question. Motion failed. Ben made a motion and Rachel seconded to send the resolution back to the author. Chris spoke against the motion. Rachel spoke for the motion. Motion failed. Karen made a motion which Ben seconded to table this resolution until after the election. Carla seconded. Motion passed. 

      • Gina noted that the PCO committee is asking the board for volunteers to call the membership to recruit for phone banking. 

      10:08 Gina adjourned the meeting