34th Dems Board Meeting Minutes
September 15, 2021 – Virtual meeting held via closed ZOOM
6:30 pm – Call to Order by Chair Carla Rogers
Attendees: Carla Rogers, Bunny Hatcher, Chris Porter, Dawn Rains, Julie Whitaker, Karen Richter, Nick Bonazza, Norman Sigler, Sara Smith, Steven Butts, Trey Lykins, Rachel Glass, Leah Griffin, Sarah Koch
Call to Order
Welcome & Reminder of our social contract
Review of Agenda and Minutes
- Minutes from August meeting approved, Leah Griffin moved, Sarah Koch second, all in favor, no opposition
- Agenda for tonight approved
Announcements & Upcoming Dates
- Please send newsletter articles to Steve by Sept 28!
- We will not host a mayoral debate this cycle.
- 2 Resignations, Jordan Crawley who shared his letter publicly with the 34th, and Janine Anzalota who resigned privately to the Chair. Both have contributed considerably to the 34th and will be deeply missed. Redistricting was Janine’s most recent focus, which is starting this month, so the 34th has some catch up to do. Open Board Positions:
- 2nd Vice Chair
- LAC Chair
- Endorsements Chair
- KCDCC Alt – Aaron Garcia will be elected in October
- Redistricting – the window for input opens soon, and there is training available. Encourage 34th members and others to make their voice heard! Learn more: https://www.redistricting.wa.gov/participate/how-to-participate. There was a brief discussion on effective and collaborative letter-writing, as well as strategizing public testimony.
- Burien Canvases – September 19, 25, Oct 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
- West Seattle Canvas – October 9 – distribution of walk pieces to PCOs
- Adopt a Street – October 9, 1:30 – 3:30 – invitation to come on out!
- Next Member Meeting – October 13
- Next Board Meeting – October 20
- Election Day – Nov 2
September Membership Meeting Observations
- Jen Nye did a great job presenting on Whole Washington.
- Resolutions passed very smoothly and without road-bumps
Remaining Campaign Contributions
- $500 remaining (based on $300 max for Mosqueda)
- Executive Board Recommendation
- King County Executive = $250
- KCC Pos. 5 = $200 ($400 total)
- Seattle Mayor = $250
- Seattle City Council Position 8 = $600
- Seattle City Council Position 9 = $0
- Burien City Council Positions 1,3,5, & 7 = $1350 ea. position ($5400 total)
- Port 1,3, & 4 = $500 ea. position ($1500 total)
- Seattle Attorney = $250
- King County Superior Court = $0
- Highline School Board = $150
- Discussion of potential contributions
- Steven Butts moved and Dawn Rains amended the motion to donate $100 for each Krystal Marx, Sarah Moore, Hugo Garcia, the Highline School Levy and Brandon Hersey; Rachel spoke in favor of the motion. Unanimous approval.
GOTV Plan (Burien and non-Burien)
- Burien Walk Pieces ready on Sept 19
- Non-Burien Walk Pieces ready by Oct 9
- Burien will be in Spanish/English
- October 9 – Send Off Canvas in Burien and West Seattle including and distribution of walk pieces to PCOs
- Sept 18 – Oct 30 (All Saturdays): Burien Canvas events with various unions/organizations/candidates
- Clarifying point: Lit drops do NOT require any social interaction due to Covid concerns
- More information: https://34dems.org/general-election-canvasses-begin-join-us/
Dates | Location | Partners/Guests |
Sept 19 (Sunday), 1-4p | Burien Press | Working Families Party |
Sept 25, 10-1p | Teamsters Hall | MLK Labor, LiUNA |
Oct 2, 10-1p | Burien Press | Norman Sigler’s Campaign |
Oct 9, 10-1p | Westcrest Park (8th Ave)
Burien Press |
Teresa Mosqueda’s campaign
Lorena Gonzalez, Hamdi Mohamed |
Oct 16, 10-1p | Burien Press | Hamdi Mohamed’s campaign (?) |
Oct 23, 10-1p | Burien Press | Norman Sigler’s Campaign |
Oct 30, 10-1p | Teamsters Hall | Tentative (One America) |
End of Year Celebration Planning and 2021 Awards Committee
- Serious concerns expressed about an in-person holiday gathering due to Covid spiking again. Will decide next meeting.
- Annual Awards – Ann will lead the committee but she would like some additional participation from newer members.
- Elected Official of the Year
- Cherisse Luxa Award for Lifetime Achievement
- Jackie Dupras Award for Member of the Year
- Executive Board Member of the Year
- PCO of the Year
- Rising Star of the Year
- Outstanding Committee of the Year
- https://34dems.org/annual-awards/
Resignations and End of Year Reflections
- Brief discussion of resignations, how to inspire leadership, rebuild Board vacancies, etc.
- Schedule your EOY Reflection appointment in Google: https://forms.gle/Wvt5jYMDggCn5UdW8
Good of the Order
- Continuation of redistricting discussion and strategizing
8:10 Adjourned by Carla Rogers, Chair