Executive Board Meeting Minutes
August 25, 2021 – Virtual meeting held via closed ZOOM
6:30 pm – Call to Order by Chair Carla Rogers
Attendees: Carla Rogers, Bunny Hatcher, Chris Porter, Colleen Hinton, Dawn Rains, Gina Topp, Janine Anzalota, Julie Whitaker, Karen Richter, Nick Bonazza, Norman Sigler, Sara Smith, Steven Butts, Trey Lykins
Call to Order
Welcome & Reminder of our social contract
Review of Agenda and Minutes
- Minutes from July meeting approved
- Agenda for tonight approved
Announcements & Upcoming Dates
- COI moved to September meeting
- Please send newsletter articles!
- Attend the Picnic 9/18, 4pm – Sunset. Concerns expressed about Covid, kids, food, following King County guidelines, providing masks, creating a super-spreader event, low attendance, food options to prevent spreading, etc. These concerns will be addressed at the event planning meeting on 9/1.
- Babies! Three new babies coming in the next few months for the Board.
- Last month there was a question about Judge campaign contributions. A bylaw review shows we can do so.
- The TAF Center is not able to host political groups due to their funding sources.
- White Center Benefit is noon until 5pm this Sunday
- Candidate Support – VAN ; Jennifer Fiscamba requested assistance, and Carla is asking for volunteers
- 9/8 Carla will be away and has coverage for running the meeting
- September 8 – member meeting (Whole WA pre-meeting program)
- Election Day – Nov 2
August Membership Meeting Observations
- Mostly went well, toward the end the meeting began taking a downward turn.
- There was confusion about deleting and adding to resolutions and whether it was a state-specific rule.
- Chris will send Carla a clip of a recent issue permeating the LDs.
Endorsements and Campaign Contributions
- Brandon Hersey – seeking endorsement
- Vivian Song Maritz – only Candidate Spotlight
- Highline Education Levy Renewal
- Contributions in progress, $800 in reserve
Mayor Debate with Social Justice Equity Focus coming in October (2nd?)
Resolutions Committee
- Resolution supporting whole Washington Health Trust
- Presentation on the topic coming in September meeting.
- Resolution committee recommends not to move to membership. https://docs.google.com/document/d/114sABDQMP17vblNmbC6XOhqn2Ed66WN2M4jDRS5tw4Q/edit
- Norman Sigler motioned to recommend approval to the membership, inclusive of any changes. Karen Richter seconded. Motion passed.
- Resolution in Support of a SELECT COMMITTEE FOR CLIMATE
- Bunny Hatcher motioned and Colleen Hinton seconded to take it to the membership for approval; motion passed.
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HXtKLfrpcA7vaE2JaCnkX7wjX_U6bMBK/edit
Discuss KCDCC rules change for Endorsements
- Rules Change for KCDCC to Allow non-Democrat endorsement
- The Bylaws and Rules Committee will be working on amendments over the winter.
- Do’s / Don’ts and Consequences (LPO is Local Party Organization, similar to LD)
- Do’s:
- LPOs are allowed to amend their rules or bylaws as they see fit to endorse candidates who align with Democratic party values, but don’t identify as a democrat.
- LPOs are allowed to endorse those candidates if they amend the rules and choose to do so.
- LPOs can include these endorsed candidates on our website and anything that does not touch data.
- Don’ts:
- LPOs are NOT allowed to give VB access to candidates who are not a Democrat or are not ONLY democrats.
- LPOs are not allowed to publicize the endorsement of this candidate in any materials that would be used in walking turf, phonebanking, textbanking, etc as connected to VB.
- Consequences:
- If found to have shared resources connected to VB with the candidate, then the LPO and all of their other endorsed candidates lose VB access?
- Votebuilder (vb) will ONLY be usable by Democrats (owned by national party and state is the enforcer)
- Interest in supporting but not “endorsing” and NOT changing rules since we can’t include them in any materials.
- Option to support a non-democrat ONLY when there is not another democrat in the race.
- Goes against the stated purpose of the org, which is to support Democrats.
- Vote for democratic values, or democrats ONLY.
GOTV Plan (Burien and non-Burien)
- Carla is working to get more elected officials to attend and is seeking Union involvement.
- Nick is pushing PCOs to come out and canvas with the candidates and the unions.
- “Drop offs” count as a “touch” in Vote-Builder if you also leave your name and phone number
- Walk piece creation beginning soon, ready in late September
- October 9 – Send Off Canvas in Burien and West Seattle days and distribution of walk pieces to PCOs
- Teresa Mosqueda x 34th Dems at WS location TBD
- Sept 18 – Oct 30 (All Saturdays): Burien Canvas events with various unions/organizations
- Election Day – Nov 2
Good of the Order
- B-Town festival coming up
- Burien Fiesta is a lot of fun
8: 18 Adjourned by Carla Rogers, Chair